According To Wes

She "Loves" The Idea Of It

November 15, 2023 Wes/DeLaw Season 7 Episode 17

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Providing and protecting is not as easy as it seems especially when you get the vibes that she don't really love you, just the idea of love and she will put anybody that fits in that mold.

Speaker 1:

That phone call I leave enough. When it comes from girls it's always that they won't dig. But when I broke up with them it was like so you know, like you seem so fine, you seem fine about it, like it's not hurting you and it's like because you're hurting you. Does that mean I gotta hurt?

Speaker 2:

It's hurting me to be on this phone with your fucking request. That's what's happening right now. It is paining me and I need to jump into some muck hoochie right now. When it broke up with me it was like I still won't dig and I'm like who the fuck do you think I am? Nah?

Speaker 1:

nah, nah, nah, nah. We need to know all that. So does she? Like she had like broke up with me and in the process of me like giving her a letter and like how much I care about her. He was at the house with her and I was like so I was like alright, well, I know this happened.

Speaker 2:

I was about to scold you like it just happened yesterday. I'm like what the fuck are you doing?

Speaker 1:

It looked down this was like two dollars and four. I know.

Speaker 2:

I know, but the friend of me was like yo, what Like? No, she is done, like come on now.

Speaker 1:

So then we, the mayor, get back together. Then she cheats on me again. This cheat on me again. I think she cheat on me, she cheat on me.

Speaker 2:

She mean again you said break up so most situations of breaking up was cheat. Everybody, welcome back to another episode of the According to West podcast. As always, we have you all.

Speaker 1:

You got Southern cooking D-Lo out here. How's it going, sir?

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, no, no, no, please, no. You have me, wife sitting and drinking and figuring out how I'm trying to come up with a massive plan and tricking my wife into working and me standing home.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, hey look, I haven't figured it out yet. My wife makes double what I make.

Speaker 2:

Nothing more to my wife, but I still want to stay on.

Speaker 1:

I still want to stay on I don't mind you, yeah, so so kind of view is what you're sipping on there?

Speaker 2:

Because I'm trying to finish this, this bottle of rum.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, you got rum haven. Okay, rum haven is not bad.

Speaker 2:

Huh, rum haven is not bad, no, it's good.

Speaker 1:

So how come you a couple of dark? Was that the dark rum haven? Oh?

Speaker 2:

Come on, now Listen. Listen you know better.

Speaker 1:

Look, if you want to do light rum, always, always, I'm put you like this. You know, og to OG, always put pineapple juice in it Pineapple, pineapple.

Speaker 2:

I got some upstairs too.

Speaker 1:

Pineapple juice, pineapple juice, like I do gin and pineapple juice, and I'll do rum and pineapple juice and I don't know what it is. I guess that with the pineapples it's enough sweetness. Slash that tanginess with it that when you mix it in with the rum or the gin man, this shit is love, and both of them already have a distinct taste to it. Yeah, it's almost taste like has a little sugar in it. Oh, this shit's love, like don't, don't. I wouldn't tell you to do vodka and pineapple, because vodka is a really, really strong taste and that for some reason.

Speaker 2:

I've done vodka and pineapple and it's been on point and I've done, but you got to do less.

Speaker 1:

You got to do less. Less pineapple, no, no less vodka. For gin you can do more gin and less pineapple and cover it up. And for rum you can do about 50-50 with vodka. Because that bit of taste in vodka, man, I like vodka, I do too. I like vodka too, but that bitter ass taste man, I've done vodka and grapefruit juice.

Speaker 2:

That used to be a good one too.

Speaker 1:

All right, I got some news for you today. Got some news for you today.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure you do, I'm sure you do, I'm sure you do.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure you do, he did it, he did it, he did it.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, I was gonna leave you until I do it. That's all I needed. He did it. He did it. He did it, he did it. All I needed how you gonna disappear.

Speaker 1:

That's all. I disappeared, he did it. He did it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did it. Yo, that's what I needed.

Speaker 1:

It has been a wonderful experience for me to not have to talk about it to him anymore, but as always, you know what man no. But, as always, after you break up with the woman because, mind you, it wasn't the woman breaking up with him, because if it was the woman breaking up with him, we wouldn't have a. But okay, we would have a, no, you will.

Speaker 2:

All right. The woman broke up with me, was like I still want to take it and I'm like who the fuck do you?

Speaker 1:

think I am Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. We need to know that. So you know he broke up with her. You know he hits me up. He's like yo man, like so she called me. I was like all right, what she called you for, like yeah, I broke it up, right. He was like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, now we broken up. But in a nutshell, this is how I interpreted it she was upset that it seemed like he was embodied that by the fact that they broke up.

Speaker 2:

I'm breaking up with you bitch Like, what are you? That's why I'm not bothered.

Speaker 1:

That's what I said. That makes no sense. She was like you, just seem to be in your, so you're happy. Go lucky world.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because I don't want to be with you.

Speaker 1:

I never see like any of this is bothering you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's why I'm breaking up with you, because you bothered me Like that makes no sense and I thought it was like.

Speaker 1:

So I said you know what that phone call was? Right, he was like what would you think the phone calls was? Well? I said well, the phone call was really just because she wanted to know if you wanted to take her back, if you were feeling how she was feeling.

Speaker 2:

Or to see, if it's, am I better than her?

Speaker 1:

Right, seeing if you left yeah, that doesn't. Seeing if you left it with somebody else, and I was like that's all that was. That's it Of every chick that broken up with me or that broken up with that phone call I leave. Enough when it comes from girls is always that they want dick. But when I broke up with them it was like so you know, like you seem so fine, you seem fine about it, like it's not hurting you and it's like because you're hurting you it's hurting me to be on this phone with you.

Speaker 2:

It's hurting me to be on this phone with you. It's hurting me to be on this phone with your fucking request. That's what's happening right now. It is paining me and I need to jump into some blood kuchi right now.

Speaker 1:

So, so if I make and we cut this short, right I was like look.

Speaker 1:

I told him. I was like look like, I know what me and my ex broke up. Me and her didn't like when, wonderful, my wife, when me and her broke up, there was no. So are you upset about nothing? It was kind of like she broke up with me. I went to the bar. My brother was like yo, like, if you want to back, you know, this is what you gotta do. People were like yo, if you want to back, this is what you gotta do. You have been together 10 years, blase, blase. And I kind of slowly started doing that. And then it hit me I was like why am I doing all this? To get nothing out of it. Yeah, and you know, I went on that one date with her and everything was fine. I think she called me.

Speaker 1:

I think at the time, even though she might've been talking to somebody when me and her were together and she started like kind of really talking to the person, she still wasn't comfortable sleeping with that person. So I think the last time me and her really dealt with each other was she called me for a booty call and I was like she's like, so you know? I mean, oh, you know, don't come over. I said I'm already at your house. You already called me. I already know what it is it's a booty call, so let's get this over and done with. It is what it is. Like I ain't tripping. Like we've been together 10 years.

Speaker 1:

Why would you call me be weird to come over? Yeah, yes, I just got home from the bar. Yes, I'm fucked up, but, yes, I will drive to your house and fuck you. Fuck you, you just pipe and so, and that's what I was like that was pretty much her thing, like even Hawaii. Hawaii was a little different. She broke up with me, but she still was like you know, what are you doing? Like you want to come over and hang out, do you? You know, so you want to hang out, or like it was like I'm like kind of like how, how she is to him.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I said I was like you know many many of shit, because that be the day, that be the day her mouth extra wet and juicy and shit, and you'd be like, no, I can get a shit in the head girl. No, not unless you, not unless you got that Jimmy Butler in you. I ain't gonna say you got that dog and you got that Jimmy Butler in you and you, like you know what, I'm just gonna be fucking the shit out of her mouth, fuck her.

Speaker 1:

So here's my question. I don't know me. I mean, I think I've asked the last three episodes, but here's my question. So with all this, that has transpired right.

Speaker 2:

Say it, Bobbytatcher.

Speaker 1:

Do you? Okay, sorry, that's the second question. The first question is so she wants to sell her house, right?

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm already just like not liking this chick. So everything you say you need saying words and I'm just like, bitch, sell your house. I don't give a Right, let us sell a house.

Speaker 1:

Now you got a house, you and your girl, from before your ex-workout you know what I'm saying Before your wife's workout, you know, and you got the opportunity. You got 10 years in this house. You got the opportunity to refinance and rent out, or you could sell it in maybe about 1200,000, you know 120,000, whatever, what would you choose to do in this particular standpoint? Because you know, me and my wife had the discussion. Sometimes you want to leave everything so you don't have no memories of it. Sometimes you want to be financially savvy.

Speaker 2:

So this is a house that me and the ex had together. No, no, no, this is a house that just you had that.

Speaker 1:

You wanted your ex to live in with you, but you broke up.

Speaker 2:

They're named. A lot of them A chain of a lid is. So I ain't even making a decision based off of feelings that this one is about how my pocket going to benefit me personally. I've always thought to myself that when I get put myself in a situation with this particular house, I probably rent this motherfucker out for about 10, 15 years and then sell it Right, Because I don't see let's just say, if the market is at an upswing as far as like value and stuff like that, depending on how it's moving and stuff like that I don't really see it going drastically down in a matter of 10 years, Right, 30 maybe. So it's like yo get that money and then sell it motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

That's one idea, but most likely is always want to be. You know me starting to start with renting out.

Speaker 1:

So see, that's how I got a house for under 200,000.

Speaker 2:

Also, don't want to be a landlord, though, so that's another thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, if I got a house for 200,000, for under 200,000, right, I've had it for 10 years and I decide, you know what? I don't want to be here, no more. I want to refinance it, bring that payment down and then hire a company to do the work for me. Now, with that, yes, you do got to pay them a certain amount of money, but you still get money back on that, on that residual as far as residual income, depending on how long you've been in the house. If you, if you pay 200,000 for a house, you've been in 15 years and you decide to refinance it.

Speaker 2:

So what's your payment? I'm not going to say you think.

Speaker 1:

Refinance in this market, though I'm not saying in this particular market.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying Refinance is to get a lower rate on the mortgage.

Speaker 1:

A lower rate on the mortgage, I'm not saying refinance because you're like, oh, it'll be great, I can get a lower. No, like in the perfect world where you're like, oh, they said I can get 3% interest and if I refinance I could refinance for another amount of years, have lower payments. So let's say the payments end up being like 800 and you're in a decent area. You could charge 1600 just for someone to live in, so that covers your people who are managing your property and you still get some money. It might not be $800, but it might be half of that 400, but that's still better than nothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for something that's sitting just easy for 100.

Speaker 1:

Right Easy for 100%.

Speaker 2:

And you got really a better at that, just like no management company got that.

Speaker 1:

Right, and they will post it. They'll talk to you like, all right, we need to get this, so we'll post it, whatever. Whatever, they'll make sure someone is in that house, yeah, and they'll tell you like I think it's time for you to sell it. Or they'll say, hey, just keep running it out. And so that's how I looked at it.

Speaker 1:

So she was like, he was like, yeah, she was like I don't want to do all that, I don't want to live in here because I know how it is for them people to live. I said, well, my wife's done it. My wife's done it where she's like people lived in there and it has been shitty, but she also was one managing the property herself. Yeah, versus hiring somebody to do it, yeah, I get what she's saying at the end of the day, like, even if I was to make two million dollars out of nowhere and I paid this house off, I would prefer to rent this house out than sell it. Rent it out and rent it out for whatever. My mortgage will be at the other place, yeah, or wait, I ain't got to pay my mortgage at the other place, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I would do the same. I'm not. I would do the same, like, if I can't get a company, a third party, to manage, yeah, definitely manage it. I would be the same.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a third party to manage it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I understand what like like having her saying like I know how people are in your house and stuff like that, once someone's managing it, basically you'll be getting money back to like, if you need to do repairs when they leave, you can do repairs when they leave, right, and if it's really really bad you charge them and it's really really bad where you know they'd say whatever sude ice, whatever money they're coming in.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's a reason that they make you pay that security deposit. That's the same amount as your first month rent, yeah, and then somebody say you'll get that back. Pay for background checks and all that other shit Right. It's like, oh yeah, you'll get that back, you'll get that back. And then it's like, all right, cool, and as long as we come through the house and ain't shit fucked up, here is your money back.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And if we come through and shit fucked up that we got fixed. Whatever it costs us to fix that, that's what you're going to get a check for. Yeah, and my wife was like when we, when we rented the house around the corner from us, I was the one that fronted the down payment, because I don't have that, I said, no, I got it, don't worry, I'll front the down payment, but that very first payment, when it breaks down to it, you might have to pay a little bit extra because whatever. But it ended up being that I was able to pay my half of it. But when we left and we moved to where we are, came back and they gave us even an extra $32. Like they all the work, it was just an account that collected. That's a escrow. Yeah, it was just an escrow. Mind you, when I did the calculations, I was like this must have been the lowest percentage escrow Because, like, you gave me 1632 back.

Speaker 2:

Like huh, like you're telling me that this was a it's not Panda Express with that, not the Jaijak Panda Express. I was just the first restaurant I could think of.

Speaker 1:

I like Panda Express.

Speaker 2:

I do too. I haven't had it lately. Panda Express is all right, it's all right, so sure I don't want to run our house. Is that what they were talking about? So she was like why is he still answering calls Like we done?

Speaker 1:

We done Right, Like she been calling them. Like you know, like, like I said, he she's gauging if you missing her and if you start messing with somebody else, along with nine times out of 10, she gauging what you're doing because she knows she out here Fuck with somebody else anyway.

Speaker 2:

That's a part, shouldn't even matter. I think what she's trying to do is I saw her from Baltimore. I feel like what she's trying to do is definitely get them back, but she's trying to figure out how she's going to get them back. Right, not even the fact that she wants them back or what he's doing, or whatever. Have you? The least communication he has, the better, all right. You don't want to get sucked up into like feeling like he need to be with her because her whole world is falling apart or some shit like that. Like that's not what he, that's not why it's for him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I haven't figured out what the reality is from her as far as like. Does she think that telling somebody? Oh well, you know you don't do this to somebody you love. You don't do this to my like. In my head I'm like you. You said that to him. Yeah, you don't.

Speaker 2:

I love you, but you don't. This is not right for me.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I don't break up with my love. I mean, yeah, you do, and in the real world you kind of do like you're going to love a person all day. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then you sometimes you leave him hanging, yeah, but like I had to tell him I was like you know, the only reason that this is an issue with her now is because she hasn't realized that she's really just a gold digger. And he was like what do you mean? I said, well, think about it. There's many different levels to go digging, but the main component of gold digging is wanting to be taken care of. I'm like I don't know what I'm going to do with my home girl about this.

Speaker 2:

I want to hear you. I want to hear what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to tell you what I told her. So, like I told my son, go check to a gold digger, or? Or? You know, gold digging isn't just people who are money hungry for millionaires. It is someone who wants you to financially take care of them. So, even though at her head she doesn't think she's a gold digger, I feel that you need to take care of her and that she should be able to sit at home and you take care of. Everything makes her a gold digger, because we're no longer in a time where women can't work or a time where women don't work.

Speaker 1:

Therefore, if you if the first thing that's out your mouth is well, you know the guy, you know a guy should be able to take care of me whether I work or not. The next thing that you might want to do is go digger status. You might not be top tier gold digger where you're getting ballers and millionaires. You might not be the next tier under them that are getting like quasi 100,000 there's because, whatever, you just so happen to be at the lower tier of gold digging because clearly you don't know how to utilize your assets as much as you want some guy to take care of you and all this other stuff. If you just make it known that, okay, if you come to turn to the fact that you are a gold digger or that you know, or, as someone will say, you want a man to take care of you, then that's half the battle of you understanding a why you've been broken up with.

Speaker 1:

When someone dropped 40 K on you, not paying your mortgage, not doing all this other stuff with you and your son, everything else, you, you it kind of makes more sense. But when she, you know her, compare, oh, I'm not a gold digger, I don't, I don't. I said well, you're thinking of it from the extreme standpoint, you're not thinking about it from the levels to the shit. You know what I'm saying? Because there's levels to that gold digger, just like this level to do mooching off of women. There's levels to it.

Speaker 2:

There's never no levels to do mooching off of women. Mooch is a mooch, mooch is a mooch, right Well?

Speaker 1:

no, no, no, I still think there's levels to it.

Speaker 2:

Because you got some way and your woman will make credit.

Speaker 1:

That is still mooch, but then you got somebody make no bread, that is still mooch. I guess mooch in this mooch.

Speaker 2:

Mooch is. Mooching is different from like your woman holding you down because of an inconvenience or you kind of without for right now, but if she met you and you never had done, and she providing your mooch or gold digger as a man, as a man. So I ain't about to get into that. This is what I told, my own words, the shooter along the lines of my yo, whether women want to admit it or not, all y'all go there and I said it to her like that and she was like what? And I was like I was like, hear me out, I'm saying that in the general term, but all of y'all go for. All of y'all want someone that's going to be able to provide and someone is going to be able to provide more than what you can then what you currently have, and there's nothing wrong with that. I would tell my sister go out there, man that's you know, able to provide and take care of her and stuff like that that you feel the need. You know that he can do that. I would tell any woman to do that. That's what y'all should do.

Speaker 2:

However, what makes y'all most women? Not what makes most women. What gives most, what gives woman a bad name is the woman that only look for that and they don't actually care about the guy. They don't actually love the guy. There's no romantic interest in the guy. Now he's being used and then when it's he's been and also when he's been taken for granted. So I'm like, at the end of the day, y'all built to have a man provide for y'all and stuff like that, like it's just built in y'all. Y'all like that shit, even if y'all have your own job and own resources for some reason in your brain, y'all like it. So once you understand, once certain women understand that and that's what kind of makes them tick, and stuff like that they'll make better decisions. I don't try to run away from it, it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

It is what it is, sir.

Speaker 2:

And then you should understand like it is what it is, like this is what it's going to be, but don't be doing it and they don't give a fuck about you. Or they take you for granted, or it seems a little one sided, like they should be. If they want to be taken care of, they'll be doing anything they need to to make sure that you continue to take care of them. They don't want to do anything. Or if they being lazy with the stuff that they're doing, then you have to second guess what this really is, how they just end it, because they feel like their number one check off is he's able to do this and it is not the other stuff.

Speaker 1:

And you know, you know, you know. It's funny is that, as much as I want to say, it's the younger women that always in the data level, it's all of them. It's all of them. It's all of them Because I was looking at them. I think I set the meme to you or the video to you where the guy was like you, never you. You you only hear women like the owner I broke up with him because he a bum. You'll never hear. Do you never hear a dude saying that he broke up with a chick because she a bum? You'll never hear that.

Speaker 2:

But that's because, that's because it's built into us Like the finance thing don't matter when it comes to women. I personally would say I broke up with her because she a bum. However, but it's never has nothing to do with finances. It has something to do with just her being lazy. And I'm not talking about like she needs to be doing shit for me. I mean, like this motherfucker don't do nothing for herself and me Like you do that.

Speaker 1:

Like that's what you was saying. It was like the dude was like yeah, you know you. You said you you'll get a guy who dated chick from Burger King's based on her personality and now she's down, but a guy could be great personality down because he works at Burger King. You'll pass him off and call him a bum, he said. He said pretty much, he was pretty much. He was justifying that men have been conditioned to take these bum as women, whereas women have been conditioned to like if they don't, if they don't work this type of status, they're not worth your time. When in retrospect that if it's not going to be both ways, it can't be anyway. And I'm like oh, you know in my head, you know in my head, because I'm on opposite end of that, my wife does make double what I make. So I am me and her are the outlier. We'll put that. We're the outlier.

Speaker 2:

Well, for a while, man, my wife was the outliers too, but they never really affected our dynamics and I never was brainwashed to like, accept, like mediocre women either. And I'm not even talking about what finances is, it's more of us like everything else. Everything else would be like the finance was like a plus, but it was just like you were still. I know this sounds fucked up what I'm about to say. Every woman I granted to you still bad with your money, so it didn't really mean shit, right, right, and you could down you down. Well, can you really spend it on yourself because you got too many bills that you obtained throughout the years, or dead and shit. So it's like, what the fuck does it mean to me?

Speaker 1:

Like I told my wife I was like you know, I was on my wife one day. I was like you know, as much as you make more to me, mind you. As far as like if it was a straight job for job, without my business involved yes, you make double what I make and you hustle, then grind it and you earn what she got. But at the end of the day, you know you still respect me, as you know, you still respect me as a head of household to make the, make the plans, do this and take care of the financial stuff as it needs to be. Yeah, I might not have it all the time, so you'll step in and be like all right, look, I got this. Like he take this. I might be like no, bitch, I don't want to. I don't say that in my head. I'd be like no, I'm not going to do this. I will find a way to do this, but if you don't take this, goddamn money, nigga, that's verbatim what she would say to me.

Speaker 2:

Do you ever feel, do you ever feel weird as a band, like provider, like I'm not saying that we are, we are newly adult men, but it's different when, because you're newly married I'm somewhat newly married Like, do you ever? You ever freak out from time to time?

Speaker 1:

No, from what I've learned and from what my mom told me and everything else, I take it as no matter what. And, mind you, this is a horrible mindset. I would never. If I, if I ever have a child or a son, I would never tell them to have this mindset, but my mindset is always to. It doesn't matter what the situation is, even if you know that tomorrow your count will be in the negatives, you put a smile on your face and you rock with it. It don't matter. And I mean, like I said, it's a horrible thing to say, but it's been times.

Speaker 2:

Me and my wife are going out and I'm like God, there's a reason why your mom said that and you'll stepdad ain't say that, because he's not giving you that advice. He's not giving you that advice.

Speaker 1:

You know I've never given me any real advice when it's come to this particular with you. No, never. He's never. He's never given me advice on being married. He's never given me advice on dating. He's never given me advice on anything that dealt with dealing with women. My mom's thing was, the reason he doesn't give me advice is because he didn't date a lot of women and you know, when he was growing up so he might have had him a good little girlfriend here and there, but you know right, you know when he turned 16 or 18 was knocking him down.

Speaker 2:

He wasn't asking questions, he was like yo the pipe is, I hope so what you're going to do.

Speaker 1:

I hope so. You know I hope so. But I just know she said that you know, once he got to a time where he could go into the military, into the Marines, he went straight into the Marines. I don't know if he was out there cranking them Koreans or Japanese or Alaskans, I don't know if he was out there cranking them. I just know that he told, he told me the story about when him and my mom met. Mind you, when him and my mom met I was already born. So he tells me the stories.

Speaker 1:

Like yeah, I met, I met you, and I remember when I was supposed to go on my first date with her, you wouldn't go to sleep. And I know already I was already cock blocking. I was already cock blocking, like shit, you wouldn't go to sleep. So she said I couldn't come over right then and there. So eventually, when you went to sleep, I came over and me and her we, I think he said they talked for like five, six hours, I think he said he got over there like around 10 or 11. He didn't leave until like four or five o'clock in the morning and I think his second date was to take her to go see Full Metal Jacket. If you know it's an old, it's an old metal because, mind you, he's a Marine. So he said Full Metal Jacket is the closest to authentic Marine that you'll ever get.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, everybody that has seen that movie. And then the military said that.

Speaker 1:

He said he says this is close you can get without actually doing the real thing. And he's like, and honestly, he was like when that guy was sitting with doing the patrol and a guy was on the toilet and the dude came in there was like why aren't you stomping a mud hole in this motherfucker? And he's like, yeah, no, if you see someone awake and they're not supposed to be awake and you don't know who they are or anything else, you're supposed to stop a mud hole in that motherfucker. I was like, oh, didn't know that Not going to see that, and I am not.

Speaker 2:

I've not seen that movie before, so I check it out.

Speaker 1:

It's actually not a horribly bad movie. It's oldest fuck but it's not bad. I actually for what I did see it. It actually was good. It showed how it was over in Vietnam or Korea or the Korean War I'm not sure what the word was, I think it was the Korean War but it showed how. It showed how it was being in the Marines and everything else. So it was a good movie. I felt it was. But no, my stepfather never gave me any real dating advice. My mom was the one that gave me all my dating advice, which is probably what hinders me sometimes, because I got I got dating advice of being a man from a woman I ain't getting no dating advice.

Speaker 1:

You ain't getting nothing.

Speaker 2:

No, I ain't never getting no advice from nobody. I got stupid advice from my uncles and shit like that. Like eat her butt when she get out the shower straight. When she get out the shower, when they see your toes, they can see how big your dick is. Like stupid shit like that.

Speaker 1:

The OGs never told me nothing like that. The OGs always told me. They told me how to talk to chicks. Niggas, you can't eat the microphone. The OGs always told me how to talk to chicks. They never told me what to do with chicks.

Speaker 2:

They were always like yeah, I was like, what would we do? And not, I would not to say.

Speaker 1:

Right. They always told me the shit to say, just not what not to do. They never said don't come quick in the pussy. They would just be like hey, look, say this shit to. Like, talk to her like she's a regular person. Like, talk to her this way, talk to her this way, look her in the eye, look at her body. Like it would be shit, like that. Like, oh, maybe I just had the good OGs, I had the ones that knew some sense, some OGs. They were like nah, all you got to do is when she got out of the shower, just had your dick out there.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, I mean that works, though it's not been the situation with her that don't work. It didn't work for me with my wife, unless she's mad at you.

Speaker 1:

Well, look, my wife was raised by the OGs. So my wife, my wife, the shit that the OGs told me that where I was from, the OGs, where she was from, told her something totally different. So we over here OG, you know, trying to do what the OGs told, and it's like, well shit, so you didn't like that. No, that's what they told me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no advice.

Speaker 1:

No, but see, I guess that was just the difference. You know, my step dad never gave me advice, but my mom and, like my uncles and a lot of guys, like when I would be out there just hanging out, they'd give me advice, like, even like working at McDonald's, like a lot of dudes that were like they had been married or were married. They will always give me advice like, oh well, you know, you know this is what you should do, like you know she mad at you, take her some flowers. I said, man, I sound like old time of shit and I did it one time.

Speaker 2:

That sure works though.

Speaker 1:

I did it one time and that shit got me out of some trouble. When I put that way Like me and my wife at jet, I want to say we had just got married and it was like we were coming up on the year. I want to say we were coming up on the year and she got mad. So she, so her and her son, went to this thing for his health, and so I would. You know she was calling me every day and I'll call her. We were talking, you know she didn't have good reception and it's one particular time. It was the end of like whatever I was doing at at as far as the job was concerned. But I went out and she was like, oh, you out here living your best life, like I'm out here doing all this and I, like you know I'm like what are you talking about? Like I literally got off working at eight o'clock. I'm over here at the bar. You called me. I answered the phone. You called me again. I answered the phone. You called me again. I answered the phone.

Speaker 1:

Now you mad because I missed your phone call as you call them both six straight times. Like relax, get your life. You know what I mean? Yeah, and it's a lot. Well, you know what I'm looking up a no man's like I'm ready to leave your ass. I'm like you ready to leave my ass because I didn't answer the phone or because you think I'm out here partying like dude. That's part of the reason why I got the ring camera. Well, I was like, so she can see I come home, you go and I come home. You know what I'm saying? Like what, you mad because of my home. You got home at seven, oh one.

Speaker 2:

But you be telling me these stories. I feel like there's more to it than her. Just you not picking up the phone when she called.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I wish there was more to it than that. It has to be more to it. We need that moment it was. It's literally just. It's like I think part of me thinks it's just that when it comes down to it, when she's not around, it seems like I'm just having a whole ball of fun without her.

Speaker 2:

You know, say like I'm just out here Do that, though. Like. Like we can't have fun without them. We make sure that they have fun without us. Like, please have some other fun without us. Matter of fact, don't include me on the next two fun things that you do when it comes to us is like hey. I'm trying to figure out what we're going to be smiling, don't be laughing, don't be keke, and I don't want to see.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to find a job so that when memorials they come around, cuz she's going, she's going out the country To go to like a little women's spa thing, whatever out the country. But when that same weekend I go out this, I go out of town for emergency preparedness Conference, some like.

Speaker 1:

So we bought a leaders looking to get the house by himself for a whole week, like yeah look, and the funny part is we got the ring and ain't like you know, like let's say I'm still at my job, let's say I'm still where I'm going once the deed is done is done.

Speaker 1:

Is is once you know, let's say I don't, let's say I have to go to this conference because I don't find a job. Like I said my wife, I said I'll be in Austin City. So if I got, take my state vehicle back home Because that little nigga done brought people in the house. Oh, I'll drive the two hours To get down it. But like yo, hey, y'all guys with the fuck out of here. Well, I'm having my son. You want fuck nigga? Like the fuck. You mean, yeah, you know what it, you know what the rules is. Don't nobody pose to be up in here. You know I'm saying. Or let's say he do want to have people up in it, or what can I have someone come over? Then that means I got to take my whole bar and I got a stash it. You know, because at the end of day, like if I come home and I see throw up, I see all this up your bottles open, I'm like hold up, yeah. And the Asian they get like, nah, we ain't doing that.

Speaker 2:

So Feel weird providing, or do you ever feel like you can't and you've said, like I got your mom get you the advice of If you ain't got nothing in the account or you know you can't, then it's okay. I'm like, yeah, I don't be, I don't, I can't. I feel like as a man, and especially the type of man of my mom raising me be, I can't afford to be that type of. You know, I mean, I need to have a bag of plan for the bag of plan. For the bag of plan. It just seems like lately for me there's been a Now that I don't have a backup plan for the bag of plan, but there's always something new and I'm like, what damn, do I got that covered? Like what if that happens?

Speaker 2:

So I think for real, for I'm probably just man overly critical of myself and maybe over analyzing situations where I don't need to over analyze them. However, I am new to this shit. I ain't got ten, nine out, ten years in or 15 years, and so I'm still like, alright, whatever, whatever, like to the point I'm still scared to spend money because I'm like this money needs to be saved. Just the case of emergencies. What type of emergency? Hey, I don't know, but you know, I never know so.

Speaker 1:

I feel like me and my wife go through stents of where we just have bad like I Know when we so when we were watching black love on Hulu, who does black love? So black love is like a TV show where um this couple who had parents that were divorces and everything else, they interviewed black couples that had been together so they newly was one.

Speaker 2:

This is reality TV.

Speaker 1:

This is like reality was it scripted? It's not scripted, it's like. It's like a documentary. Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

But I like they sit them down, like. So you know, like, let's say you were interviewing me, my wife, we're sitting down, we just talked about our experiences being married for three years. It's kind of like that. You know, you, you ask everybody the same questions like so, what is the one thing you learn by like being married, and stuff like that. So you, you're asking them all the same questions and you know you're just Showing the different responses of everybody and everything else and when and like watching that we almost I mean we almost use that as like our therapy for like when we would have bad times and just seeing that even the most successful couple was like, and who play Annalise Keaton, viola Davis, viola Davis and her husband. I know, I'm sorry, and you know a lot like a lot of successful older couples They've all said the same thing and a lot of one like you know, the husband cheated and everything else.

Speaker 1:

But it was like, sometimes you'll go through, you know. You know, as you're married, you'll go through bad months. You go through good months, yeah, and then, as you get further on, you'll go through bad years, yeah, and then you'll go through good years. You know, but is you know, a lot of people want to give up when bad stuff happens. That's because they get into these marriages thinking that everything supposed to be all peachy cream, not realizing it is still a full-time job and a still a full-time relationship with somebody else and that bad Times are going to happen. And you got to fight through them to get to the good time.

Speaker 1:

And I think, even though with me and my wife were going through our worst time, where she was like she really wanted to leave and she had moved out of the bedroom into another room and everything else that she was like you know, at the end of the day this is what you know. In my she said what I was saying at the end of the day they want black people not to be together, they want us to break up, they want us to say that we can't be together. And she said I don't want to be a statistic, so we're going to work through this. I said I'm glad that you want to work through it because I'm don't feel like going through any paperwork to get a divorce.

Speaker 2:

But that was not the only reason you told her.

Speaker 1:

I mean I, it was more to it than that, but Ultimate reason, I don't want to go through that paperwork, but it was really just like because we have one argument, one, this one, that it's not like we're doing this every day for like 10, 15 years, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And the 10, 15 years shit. Then you you kind of warranted for, like you know well they're buggering. All that slide was was really that we even compatible, like that type of shit. Like I get that Definitely.

Speaker 1:

And I told her and I told her sometimes I really think that it's not that I'm being a bad husband, it's just that you don't like the fact that you can't leave when you want to, because now we're married, and I think that's a lot of people, I think that's what a lot of them are afraid about like you think about. Like Kevin Sam was said Not yeah, is that what child?

Speaker 2:

fighting about? No, she was. Oh, I told you we got married too early.

Speaker 1:

What's really though? Yeah, both.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, both adults like grown adults, mm-hmm. See, I really.

Speaker 1:

I don't really uh, I can only, I can only explain what I think that it had, what it is and pardon me things that it is. She can't you. Once you're married, you can go, but you can't go. All right, it's more documentation to be able to leave. You can't just say you know what I'm done with this, I'm up and ready to roll. Is now that you got to ask you? Oh, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I see what you said in my head because I have been drinking. I'm thinking you mean like she can't just leave the house whenever she want to leave the house, which is a no to in my book too, which is kind of like I thought that's what you were saying. You're saying like you can't just be like I'm ending this relationship between us back. I can't just do that, don't want to win, right, and yeah, that's it's kind of uh frightens me too, like Even outside of marriage.

Speaker 2:

It like how some people would be like you know, we broke up a couple times throughout a, you know, throughout our time together. I'm like you don't really for me the type of guy that I am. You don't really have too many times with me. To be honest. It's kind of like two. Some guys would be like 15 we did 15 times, but in between that time I was doing me and it's just kind of like I don't like fucking going through the motions over something that I really, really want. So if it's, it's always not. It's not, it's never me doing it, it's always when I was out, it was always the other person. So it's kind of like you kind of got, like you kind of had like two with me and once the two was over it was kind of like a wrap, like I'm good.

Speaker 1:

I think I had my girl from from high school going into college. Um, I remember she I felt like I told the story before, but she broke up with me going into her senior year at high school. Did you get to just get back where her ex-boyfriend? Then they break up me and her get the guy we stay getting for a little bit. Then she breaks up with me, um, because now she's in college. I'm still in high school because, you know I I was fucking around and failed a couple classes of shit and I didn't graduate on time. Well, you know, I'm in college and I kind of like this guy. Mind you, when I met the guy, I'm like this big.

Speaker 2:

You mean when you met him. You mean when you met that. This is not.

Speaker 1:

Does she like she she had like, broke up with me and In the process of me like giving her a letter and like how much I care about her? He was at the house where and I was like I know this happened.

Speaker 2:

I was about to scold you like it just happened. Yes, I'm like what the fuck are you doing? I know. I know but the but. The friend of me was like yo, what Like? No, she is done, like, come on.

Speaker 1:

I don't. So then we, the mayor, get back together. Then she cheats on me again. This cheat on me, I think she cheated on me, she cheated on me again.

Speaker 2:

You say break up. So both situations of breaking up was cheating.

Speaker 1:

So this, he cheated on me and then, and then, somehow, no, she tried to flip it on me like that I was just being a horrible boy for not like I was.

Speaker 2:

Yo, they always do that. I got done like that and I'm like yo. No, in actuality, this is what's been going on on your part and this is what caused me to do this. It wasn't me being like horrible, was me like yo? This is what it is. I can't take it no more. I started being a resentful and and you know what I mean Like that's a thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so then I think we got all back with good time. I gave her like an ID bracelet, some shit. I think it was she really wonderful Christmas and like so we were good. And then we broke up against you, since you heard this sermon and she broke with me, I got.

Speaker 2:

I got something like that too. Yo, I said yo, a girl was told me like she was like you know, we shouldn't even be doing this and because you heard a sermon and I'm not saying that she shouldn't hear a sermon and she want to change or whatever, whatever, I'm not saying that. But her whole thing was like we just need to be married. I'm like yo, show it, not kidding, I'm not getting, I don't even have my shit together, I'm not getting married.

Speaker 1:

Once, once that that that break up happened, I was like, all right, look, you got one more time. You know, mind you, I had been, I hadn't broken up with at least three times, I had been cheated on at least two or three times, I said, look.

Speaker 2:

And we break up again.

Speaker 1:

That's why you stayed that long after two because I was young and dumb and had no guidance.

Speaker 2:

I had no guy Listen but I bet you, if you would have had uh, you would have had some, um, some lessons and and, and talking to you from your stepfather, that wouldn't have. I bet you have your stuff over to get you some advice. That wouldn't happen.

Speaker 1:

I think so too, and that's the thing, like I think, when it came down to it because I'm not going to say it was my first real relationship and I'm going to tie this back around to our original story so what it boiled down to was I had worked so hard to get with her and then, when I finally got with her, that when it was like, oh okay, well, you're leaving, I was like no, no, no, we got to be together. I worked hard to get with you, Blah, blah, blah. So I kind of had, like this, this loyalty to trying to make it work.

Speaker 2:

You had a loyalty to her idea, right, not even to her.

Speaker 1:

I had a loyalty to her idea Because, mind you, I remember my very first girlfriend in high school. I was loyal. She cheated on me. I was like, all right, cool. And then I just was like, man, fuck, I'm gonna start dating every girl. Mind you, the same chick who I knew in high school that I never had gotten with while I was with the girlfriend in high school, you know, she was like well, you know, you should just break up with her. I was like, and then me and her got together. So then just the same one. That was like well, I waited so long to get with you. Then, all of a sudden, you do all this grimy shit to me and it's like damn. And then, looking back, I was like, damn, I sat through all that shit. All that shit For what. I wasted time that I could have been doing other things.

Speaker 2:

Listen, you ain't the only one that has done that in life. I have done that, and then there's other guys that have done that. And sometimes it haunted us. Even though we're married like yo, you ain't have to do all that fuck shit. You ain't have to take all that fuck shit from the motherfucker. I've been there. You've been there with advice. I've been there without advice.

Speaker 1:

I'm not even sure if I mean. Well, by the time I got the advice, it was already past then. But I'm just, you know, when it was like we, I said I was like, look, we break up again, that's a wrap. So she, she called us up breaking up with me, right? So she broke up with me. She was like well, you know, if you're not going to marry me in two years, then why we sit together? I'm like, all right, well, whatever, how old were you At that time? I was 22.

Speaker 2:

So I'm saying like and that's another thing when it comes to like what I'm going to teach my nephew and my nephews and my nephews from from our brother, from another mother, or you know shit like that, like yo, they just as young as you and they just as dumb as you. Just because they say something and they convicted with that does not mean is right, you have to do what's good, you have to do what you feel is right. Yeah, cause I was like, and a woman telling you at 22, 21 that we need to be married and you can't do nothing for her or provide. Yeah, like you hit the light or anything like that. Like that's a dead, that's a, that's a wrap. Let her feel like she need to be married and leave you, let her do that while you become the man that you need to be. And as she come back, you tell her nah, I'm up now and you don't go back to her and you move on, you move on.

Speaker 1:

So this is how I wrap this back around to our original story is so this is what the chick said to my man. She was, like you know, for someone who works so hard to get at me, like, anybody will be like, honored, like, if they work that hard to stay with me and I and like when he said that it triggered me.

Speaker 2:

Do not work keeping that's what you're not understanding.

Speaker 1:

When he told me that it triggered, it triggered all of it. I was like wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

Her game not even good. Her game not even good.

Speaker 1:

And I was like I said and he was like you good, I said, nah, I'm good.

Speaker 1:

Like that kind of triggered me because it's like it's not that I didn't work hard to get with chicks who I had been with, but I had worked hard to be with them and it just wasn't a good fit. If I had known it wasn't a good fit earlier, then I could have broke it off earlier, versus going through it and then being the one that was broken up with, just trying to make it work and, like you know, like I was like, well, you know, maybe that is that is a downfall, like no matter what in mind. Now I'm married, so that mentality is not a bad mentality to have. They're like look, even though today might be a bad day, tomorrow might be a bad day, but there's good days ahead of us. We just got to work through it and get there. I think that's the mentality I should have had once I got married, versus not being married, trying to show I'm husband quality versus, you know, being just the boyfriend. You know, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean it can go both ways.

Speaker 1:

It can go both ways. But in my head I'm like maybe I should have showed that quality, you know, for my wife. That's the quality I show is like, look, I'm here.

Speaker 2:

That's the quality that you should continue to show for your wife, because she is your wife and it's okay to show that. In my opinion, it's okay to show that quality to your girlfriend, if you have a girlfriend. But she should know that there's a limit, because she still needs to be, she's still auditioning to be my wife. I still have to choose you. So that shit only goes. But so far, like you don't propose to me, I propose to you, I choose you. So any moment that I feel like it's just not going to work, that's the moment you should be in and that's the moment surely she shouldn't be fearing it, but it happened. She got to live in that moment.

Speaker 1:

She happened to happen and now she has to go back and talk to her family, because now in her head she's like, oh my gosh, I feel it and I this, and now I got to go explain it. And it's not even that like, okay, let me know she feel.

Speaker 2:

She feel when she said yo don't be telling everybody at the job that we together, that's when you feel, that's when she fell because you're making a motherfucker feel like he, like he's a secret and that's what I was getting at to like my theory, like she's saying that why do you, you know why you should be honored, to that you work so hard and to keep whatever the fuck she said. The thing is, I honestly think when a guy truly, truly, truly, truly likes the girl, likes a woman or his woman more than he, then she likes him. It always goes downhill, because sometimes women are just horrible when it comes to shit like that. Like like I ain't giving me too much attention. He is, he too pressed. I don't think I like this. They like for you to ignore them for some reason I ain't gonna hold you.

Speaker 1:

I mean not at all.

Speaker 2:

You don't tell the truth, but you telling the truth.

Speaker 1:

But I can honestly say that, like it's been times where I know chicks done like me and I guess, and I guess it's just beating society when, like they would like me, like me, I'm like yo, this is a whole stalker. Like yo, like chill calm down, like.

Speaker 2:

But it always works better that way. I mean, yeah, it doesn't work better when the guys are stalker.

Speaker 1:

Unless it's like.

Speaker 2:

Joe Goldberg and it's you. That's a little different.

Speaker 1:

He's had this shit. He's had this shit. He's killing off distraction.

Speaker 2:

He's killing off distraction. But when it's a regular situation where you like being super attentive, you waiting on her hand and foot and answering her every women shit like that. Like I'm not saying Homeboy was doing that, but it seems like he was doing it because he wanted her for so long that he was making sure he kept her. She was probably just not filling that part, she wanted that part. Like women say they want that, but when it's actually happening they like I don't really like this and I think it's because it makes it seem like the man is a little what is the word? I don't want to say feminine, because I don't think it's a feminine quality, but like a push, like like this. For some reason they just don't like that. So let it be the right guy and it's a balance of that in between him being what he needs to be. They love that shit. I don't know what that balance is and it's just a theory, still thinking it out, still mulling it over.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to talk to some people about it, but it makes it sound like to me to women and makes us seem sore when we that's what I meant to say.

Speaker 2:

So to be attentive, to be attentive and to make sure they straight and put them on a pedestal like the wrong type. Just don't like that shit.

Speaker 1:

We old school. We old school. We ain't new school, we ain't Gen Z or whatever, where we young doing this. We call it like it is. If you show too much, we look soft to them, and especially for the women that we married and women that we dated in that time being soft was a no-no. You know what I'm saying? You can't come out there showing your feelings. Niggas got feelings out here.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying. That shit is just yeah, hopefully he don't fall into that trap. That's literally what she's trying to do is just kind of like yo, like yeah, I chased you. I mean it was a bad choice. Like fuck, sometimes you get the wrong thing at a new restaurant on the menu. That don't mean you want to keep going back to them and getting the same thing because you want to make sure that it tastes different the next time. If it's shit, it's shit. If it don't taste good, it don't taste good. This situation, this arrangement, is not good. She was taking that dude for granted. He sees it. And the crazy thing is she probably don't even think she was doing that. She probably thinks like this is what he's supposed to do. But I'm like you don't like him for real.

Speaker 1:

Right, she was too busy trying to figure out how to keep somebody out of the pain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it was one of those things where it's like, if that's your main focus rather than making the man happy with being with you, I mean it's never going to work. He's never going to feel like you are for him.

Speaker 1:

I get it. If you want to, you know, feel like you're the catch, I get it, I get that.

Speaker 2:

And certain ways women are definitely the catch and certain ways it's because when you pick your woman, you want her to have what you want her to have and she is the catch. But ultimately they're not proposing to us. We are proposing to her.

Speaker 1:

But, as much as she wanted to feel like she was the catch and like I told him, I said at the end of the day tell me, tell me a woman that chose her husband, show me any woman that has chosen her husband. She might have said I knew he was going to be my husband, but she didn't know for sure until he got down on one knee and chose her. Yeah, and that's the way that women will always. And, like I told him, even for her she doesn't have a real big. Oh my gosh, like I gotta, oh I gotta get myself together. Guys are gonna try and fuck her just with a simple fact she got a vagina. You're gonna be the one that has to put in a little bit more work to get somebody and then choose somebody because of the mentality that they have.

Speaker 1:

Like, at the end, they like when I met my wife, or when me and my wife finally went on our first date, it wasn't something that I had pursued. It was something that kind of fell in my lap and I was like maybe I should take a round and let's see what happens. And that's where it went. It wasn't like oh yeah, I'm gonna marry you. It wasn't something like that. It was like all right, well, I mean, you seem cool, yeah, let's see what happens. I mean, fuck it.

Speaker 2:

And I was talking. Speaking to that, I was talking to one of my homegirls and I was like yo, we was talking about something and I was like she was like she's still looking for a guy or something like that. And I was like, so what you doing to make sure that that happens? She was like, well, I need to get out there. And I was like, yeah, I'm like, yeah, most definitely need to get out there and you need to start dating. I'm like, but what are you doing outside of you knowing that you gotta start dating? She was like what you mean? I was like, how about this being ready? So you ain't had to get ready, staying ready, so you ain't had to get ready, cause I'm like you never know when that motherfucker will come about, like you said, like you're kind of just kind of not feeling your lap, not feeling your lap, but more or less like it kind of just happened. It was like the right mixture of you know A and B and you know C happened or whatever.

Speaker 2:

I was like yo, just make sure you stay ready, because it's kind of like, if you can't really go out there like that and you got a son and shit like that, you want to make sure that any, any opportunity that presents itself cause you never know what is going to happen you aren't are your best. You are putting forth what you need to put forward. You know that energy and shit like that, or just the mindset, or just even you looking good, cause you, you know, you know, man, you got to look good. So if you're looking good and they see you like okay, maybe I'm going to come talk to you, like yo, what's going on? Like hey, can you pass me that? Catch up over there? Like I don't want to reach over you, shit like that, like in the grocery store, Cause I, you know you might need the water, he the fix, and Michael and son comes to the door and you, like yo, like sure you look good and you not. Now you talking to Mr Michael and son, you know what I mean. Like shit like that.

Speaker 1:

I do say I do from what I've been noticed. I've been talking to my single friends that have kids. They are having some issues. Oh, that's crazy out there for men and women.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to say on this Issues finding somebody, because somebody was like, yeah, like every chick that he's going out with they're like, oh, yeah, no, I want a guy with no kids, yeah. And then for guys and I understand, cause I'm a guy I don't want no one with no kids because there is a, I would say, there is this thing of and I don't think it's more with guys that their kid comes first, I think it's more with women because they birthed them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course, and I told them I was like you know, and I was, I think I was some my wife's uncle, I guess my uncle. He was like, well, you know how's everything going in the emergency? I said everything's going fine. I said, but I've come to the term where I realized I'm always going to be second. And he was like, well, you mean? I said, well, no matter what, her son's always going to come first in her life. It's one of them things that I, you know, going into this, I wasn't prepared for it, but now that I'm here I realized it doesn't matter of anything, he's going to be first, that was your.

Speaker 2:

even though it was your by-law's son, you was still coming second. I don't think so. Yeah, that's literally how some, and it's not a bad thing in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Some people will say it's a bad thing but, that's just how some women are, because they have and I talked to somebody about this because they had the mindset of we both come second to our kids. So there are some women that and they don't actually, you know, say it to you, but they already operating like you feel that we both come second, like we going to save our kid before we try to save ourselves, type of shit. And that's why I said I kind of understand that your wife is moving in that trajectory and it's just kind of like, in my opinion, humble opinion it's kind of natural and it's just kind of like you know, but you're also in a situation where it's like you also just have that too. So I can see how it feels a little you know.

Speaker 1:

A little awkward Now I will say I think if me and her had a child together, it would probably be because I would now have a say in what happens. It wouldn't feel like, mind you, for both of us the kid will come first. As far as protecting the kid, but as far as in the relationship between me and her, it wouldn't feel like the kid comes first. It'll be we come first and then we make sure we protect this kid together.

Speaker 2:

And I think so. So how is it? I'm just asking because I don't have kids and shit like that and how does that? How? If you explain that to me right now, help me understand. How is that? How is it what you're feeling now? Because your relationship is your relationship.

Speaker 1:

Our relationship is our relationship. But if we had a child together because it wouldn't be just so you gotta think of. So think of my situation right now is my wife and her son are one body, right? I'm an invader to the body. So anything that doesn't feel right, even if it isn't met, even if it isn't of mylas intent, it's always looked at as a threat.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. So it's like, even if I'm like critiquing something or if I'm saying, okay, well, I noticed this, it could be taken as okay, I see what you're saying, or it could be taken as okay. You just don't like the little nigga, like what the fuck wrong with you? You know what I'm saying. So you're always walking on that thin ice of you, don't know what to say, what not to say, and because he's not your child or because she's not your child, you walk on that ice in hopes that you don't interrupt anything. But anything can set that whole thing and that ice coming up up under you. But when you're both parenting the same child, because it becomes from both of you guys, you don't have that same there's no second guessing. There's no second guessing because now this is also my child and this is your child.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, parents and my, our parents and sons want to be different. But you, I now have an equal say in, or this is no longer a look on the outside. Looking in is now I'm on the inside and this is what I'm thinking that we should do, versus looking at. Well, I'm not sure if that's what you should do because he's a guy or there's not what you should do because she's a woman. You know she's a girl, you know. It's no longer that I'm on outside looking in, you're now all in there.

Speaker 1:

So it's a different thing to be a step parent, because it is when I say, when I say you got a tread so lightly, unless you get the kids super young where they call you like my step dad, he got me super young where I call him dad because as I grew up, he was the only dad I knew. Yeah, I got my step son at 13. Yeah, he knows who his dad is. Yeah, I'm. You know to him playtime. If I ain't playtime with him or playing video games or, you know, helping him do whatever or being the one who covers for him, then I ain't. You know he ain't checking for me and I get it because if I was that old when I met my dad, it'd be the same way.

Speaker 2:

I'd be the same way.

Speaker 1:

I'd be the same way too Right, I'd be the same way. Well, I don't like a mom because, by the law, whatever. But you know, I mean just looking in on it and I have no regrets of marrying my wife, I have no regrets of taking man as my child. I just look at it from a different standpoint of it's. You know, and even telling somebody, well, how does it feel? Like, well, just be prepared that, no matter what you always because it is their child and not yours you will always come second, and people are like, oh, no, no, no, you're always up there in there. I said no.

Speaker 2:

So from what you're going to feel and from what it actually is, until I'm told differently, that is how I will feel Once a bond is created in a way where you feel not even that you told differently into like that you feel differently and it's actually differently from that day forward. I understand that, like, I was just and it's funny because I was just actually talking to my wife about this earlier because we were talking about, we were talking about something about and it's another batch of single moms, we were just talking about toxic single moms or whatever have you, because it's this toxic single mom that we know, that we know, yeah, that we know. And I was like, I was just telling her. I was like, because we had this talk before, I was like and you wonder why? Like, when I told you, like, whenever it was a woman or for a kid, I was just like nah, there's a reason why guys say nah, because we keep me personally. That's all the examples.

Speaker 2:

Our soul was like woman, like her when I was young, like 16, 17, 18, it was always those type of girls that act just like. There's women now and she about to be 40, and it never changed. So it's kind of like. That's why I stayed and I was telling my wife I was like, that's why I stayed away from those girls in my 20s. That's why I stayed away from them girls as a teenager, because it was teenage moms like. That's why I stayed away. I need all that DraftKings.

Speaker 1:

I'll send you a J. You know, hit me up, see what you need to drive. They're gonna give you some free best and shit. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna fuck with it. I'm gonna fuck with it at least with NBA season, right, oh?

Speaker 1:

that's what I've been doing. Look, that's how you think I won $14, nigga, right? Look, no one needs niggas. Look, I put that LeBron wouldn't get more than 21 points. He got 16, like, come on, yeah Well, I couldn't do that. I couldn't do that to Jordan, this Bron, yeah, jordan's only gonna get when he's about to put up 25.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at least. At least now I ain't talking about Wizards Jordan, because even Wizards Jordan was putting up 22, 23 a game. Yeah, so it's a little. You know, I ain't gonna diss LeBron like that, because LeBron is a great player and I think LeBron look, not LeBron, lebron is gonna go down as one of the greatest. But once all the greatest of their time says that this person is the greatest, there's no way there's a debate that LeBron's the greatest, because every person who said that was considered the greatest that had stepped down and said, no, I'm not the greatest. Jordan even stepped out and said, oh no, no, I'm not the greatest, I'm only great because whatever. But there's other people that were better than me. Even the people who he mentioned said that he was the greatest. Like, come on.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna do a hot take before we leave. Lebron is not the greatest, not even for his time here. Right, it was Kobe, and then Kobe retired and then it was stuff. Now we thank everybody for tuning in. See you next time.

Speaker 1:

See you next time.