According To Wes
Finding the humor in everyday life and trying to understand what that means to me Join me on this never ending journey of self improvement and reflection with the help of friends.
According To Wes
The Best Wes | Don't Do As The Goofies Do!
Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
Not learning from others mistakes cost me most of my 20's, the years of "slaying dragons"
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So there's a lot of dumb, weird, goofy men out here. And I'm not talking about the cliche like, you know, the personality or, the hobbies they have. As a teenager, there were things I saw and witnessed that make me cringe to this day as I remember them, as I remember, as I remember them. And I refuse to go down that same path.
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And I'm not talking about my uncle's choice. And, and and clothing styles and stuff like that. No, it's more or less like the, the decisions and the behavior and the mindset that some of my peers and, elders had. So ever since I, I consciously decided to embark on this journey of self-improvement. practice learning from other people's mistakes daily.
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Like the quote, employ your time and improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall gain easily. What others have labored hard for is a quote from Socrates that I keep in the forefront of my mind every day, and to be honest, is genuinely improve my life and help me achieve personal and professional goals. Not to say my life was in shambles.
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Lies, lies, lies, lies. I, I definitely was bumping my head along the way, a lot of which, caused me to be back at home with my mom out of necessity, study. Because, I wanted to like, a like a home. I missed our home cooking and everything, but necessity. This was this, this was the first time in my young adult life I was actually forced to deal with the consequences of my decisions.
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A mindset in my behavior.
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You know, coming up, I didn't have a lot of positive male role models in my life. So a lot of my learning was definitely through trial and error and being back home with my mom after three years, three years after I moved out. it was definitely proof of it.
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Simply put, I shouldn't have moved out in the first place, and I never should have done it with a woman. Not because it's a woman, but just because, you know, as a man, supposed to stand on your own first before being able to. It's not even that you just you supposed to stand on your own first. I should have had my own thing going.
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It would have worked better for me in that regard. Message. But. Yeah. I never should have moved out the house. as early as I did. also didn't have the right financial situation to protect me in the long run. And sad to say, like most of us do, operate. Guess what? It really wasn't a ha ha fucked up thing.
00;03;30;14 - 00;03;59;13
Is, I seen the same situation play out so many times with men in my family, like my uncles and my older cousins and, of course, me being me like anybody does, they think they're going to be the the exception to the rule. And they're not I definitely wasn't nope. So.
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yeah. What was worse was that now. What was worse was that after all of that, I was, I was in debt because of my actions. and debt because of my actions. Had to pull myself out of it when needed to pull myself out of it and find a way to get back out of mom's house, because I did not want to stay there.
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Like, you're not getting no pussy in your mom's house like that. Not at 24. Like it's. I mean, maybe there's some big wall here that is. But, I wasn't one of them, you know what I mean? So I shout out to your, But, you know, it was only through me for an embarrassed and being forced to sit, if you will, that I decided to.
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I decided to change. that change started with educating myself when it came to finances. I became calculated with my decisions. And so into account. Possibility over probability. I also use more discernment. I became obsessed with learning lessons. Even if even if they weren't my direct lessons. and that's kind of the moral of, not the more.
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Whereas that's kind of what I'm trying to get at. Like, yeah, some of the.
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The, the lessons to me, in my opinion, the lessons that stick the hard is are the ones you learn personally. And hopefully you're able to learn. Hopefully you're able to overcome them. and get a great deal of knowledge from it. Right. but that same knowledge can be gained by, just by observing others. And that's.
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That's kind of what I started to do now. I kind of started to do. But that's what that's what I started to do at that point. I started to look within. I was learning for myself, like, how did I get myself in a situation? What would what was the determining factor? and straight to the point, aside from not being financially set up and, and thinking, love quote unquote will conquer all,
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The root of it is I didn't have it figured out like I thought I had it figured out. And for my for me to move out, it would have been best for me to do it on my own and not, you know, shacking up, if you will. just the way that things turned out, you know, always have your own as a man.
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They respect you for your respect. So that's what I've learned from that particular situation. I learned a lot. but, yeah, I became obsessed with learning lessons, even even though they weren't my lessons. I started to study people around me. Like, what's their background? Why would they ever make that decision? What was the outcome? And at the core, I've become more observant and at times, yes, I can be.
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It can be a little overwhelming because the world is full of people that make bad decisions, and the internet has no shortage of it. I'm going to get into particulars and specifics, but yeah, I know what's going on with, you know. Yeah, I know what's going on.
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But yeah, at its core, I became more observant and for that very reason, I will continue to, people watch, if you will. I continue to, put my in their shoes and, and treat their direct lessons as, something to learn from this and even.
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Even in my life, not even, things that I come across or my, my interactions with, of people like my friends, people that I love when there's a disagreement or when there's, a, miscommunication. Unfortunately, but I guess sometimes, fortunately, sometimes that keeps me up at night, like, what am I what? Wow. Why am I in this situation?
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Or why did this situation happen? What could I learn from this? What could I learn from that? You know, what could I learn from my sister being out of me? What did I do wrong? Like those types of things I don't like going back and forth. You know who does when? When you realize it could all have been resolved with a simple I'm sorry or my bad, or just not cracking jokes at the at that time.
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You know what I mean? Stuff like that. Yep. But yeah, I'll continue to people watch because of the inherent benefit of not going through the pain, or hardship of an, of a negative outcome.
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And, you know, with that, there's always going to be a lesson to learn. So. Thank you guys for tuning in. Short, podcast words of encouragement, things that I think about. According to us, the best was trying to be the best. Me always striving for that. But truly, thank you guys for tuning in. And just for those little I don't know what you call this daily affirmations, I don't know.
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It's not a daily affirmation. I figure it out or thank you for I thank you for tuning in. See you next time.