According To Wes
Finding the humor in everyday life and trying to understand what that means to me Join me on this never ending journey of self improvement and reflection with the help of friends.
According To Wes
"Did"Sidious Behavior
All we can say is protect your peace King, they only want you for your DJANGO....
(The JANGO Is Silent)
as a young man and even when you got married before you know, but dating your wife and stuff for y'all, seeing each other she made you feel a certain type of way that was more than just lust for her body. Right, you have to say yes, don't get yourself in trouble. You have to say yes, okay. So that's what I've been in that situation where you're like, damn, I just want her and you can't have her because everything seems to be smooth and easy and y'all can talk for hours and you don't have that shit with nobody else, just for that person to be like you know what I need? Dick, nothing else. And you'd be like what the fuck? And he's been holding that back for years. Come on, now I'll give her a dick that one night. Welcome back to another episode of the According to Wes podcast. As always, we got D-Law here.
DeLaw:We got D-Law, I couldn't think of anything else to say. I'll just be the devil's son of law today.
Wes:You got me Wes fucking around and finding out.
DeLaw:Yep Got his boxing robe on.
Wes:Pretty much. I ain't gonna lie Roses with hoods are the best. Man Are the best. I need to look into different versions of this because this one gets the job done, but I want one that's made out of the terry cloth material, like your towel. I need one of them. Things fresh out the shower, type shit. Yo, that's what it is about being an OG. You start looking into stuff like that where you just like yo, these young motherfuckers ain't hip to shit like this. That's how you be in your house wearing all your chains and shit, nothing but your drawers, your roof and your chains on.
DeLaw:I mean, that's the safest place to have your chains on.
Wes:At this day and age, hell yeah, and especially where I live at. Especially where I live at. All right, drink Ch, drink shirt, what are you drinking?
Wes:I am taking it easy and drinking wine. I have things to do today and tomorrow of course you would have things to do today.
Wes:I would have things to do today. Now I gotta go see my mom she picked up something for me and tomorrow, of course, you would have things to do. Today, I would have things to do today. I got to go see my mom she picked up something for me, me and my wife, and I'll be enough to get. Usually, when I go over there, it's at least a couple hours of me being over there. That's where I'll be.
DeLaw:That sounds like an easy go.
Wes:Nah, we've discussed on this podcast numerous times how my mom is, so, yeah, I might think it's going to be an easy go, but it could be straight. I need you to do this Tuesday, I need you to do this Wednesday, I need you to do this Thursday, and two weeks from now I could be walking into an itinerary of a to-do list from her, so we'll see. Well, already I hit up one by my sister for, uh, this fundraising season already for the kids and shit, some of them support your nephew, blah, blah, blah. Uh, there's two weeks, this fundraiser, for two weeks. I said two weeks. I said, yo, how you know, you ain't just give me one, a non-payday I mean non-pay, you know what I mean like that money already allocated, which is what we do you want you to unallocate it yeah, heck of my mom.
Wes:well, you always use your credit card. I'm like no, and my nephew in the background because, uh, they was going somewhere talking about some uncle Wes, I want a drone. I said I got you a drone for Christmas. Here, my sister, that's like a thousand points, you're not getting that. And I'm just like well, he wasn't getting it because he got a drone for Christmas, so for me.
DeLaw:So I got one what you need, another one for what you do with the other one Little neighbor broke that motherfucker.
Wes:This is What'd you do with the other one little nigga Probably broke. That motherfucker Doesn't surprise me. Nah, I mean doesn't surprise me either. Damn kid is always breaking some shit. His own was $30. It wasn't a lot of money.
DeLaw:Hey, but you know what?
Wes:You did it, you got it. He was excited and he played with that motherfucker about like three weeks straight. So, hey, it is what it is. So what's your boy diddy?
DeLaw:man, you know.
Wes:So you admit, that's your boy.
DeLaw:So sometimes you know you just got to. You got to. You had the baby for when you rub it on the lady at the pool. You know what I'm saying. You know the guy makes sure they look nice and silky. I'm not sure what they're aiming for with getting baby oil or getting the track Like what, is it illegal to have that much baby oil?
Wes:If everybody's consenting, quote, unquote keyword consenting consenting yeah, yo bust on everybody that you can. If everyone's consenting to that, hey, it is what it is what it is have your fun.
DeLaw:I was like and you might be. Obviously we gotta argue about it but yeah, hold, hold.
Wes:I need to hear how y'all got into arguing about this Because I told her.
DeLaw:I said well, it's weird to me that all these white motherfuckers could do all this, all the same shit that R Kelly, bill Cosby and Puff have been doing. All these white motherfuckers done it, been caught doing it, admitted to doing it, the underage chicks said they did it and none of them are being persecuted like this.
Wes:He deleted himself, supposedly Also. The other thing is the tapes. I forgot what they did. You said it's the tapes, the blackmailing, that's against the law as well it would be.
DeLaw:That did you say. Because you said that it's the tapes, the blackmailing?
Wes:You cannot. That's against the law as well. Yeah, that's against the law. So it would be that and the other raid traffic.
DeLaw:Once again, that's prior probation. Yeah, okay.
Wes:That's what Epstein was in jail for. Remember the list, the tapes it's puff. What that mean it's puff. So what'd you tell your wife what y'all? How you make her mad I said.
DeLaw:I said I said it's always weird to me how you could talk about the white man and all this blah blah as soon as it's a black man, do y'all all up in arms about the black man doing this and lock him up. I'm like, so not only have you not said lock up the white man, you're saying lock up your niggas and then complain you ain't got enough black niggas out here like how does that make sense? That makes sense they weapon up women and not like black men no, no, no, no.
Wes:It's real simple and I'm pretty sure you ain't think about this angle. Those white folks aren't our community. So we're going to speak loudest about our community because it's what we know and who we know and who we see all the time. So we don't know how other white people thought about those things, because we ain't in those rooms and we ain't in those groups. We ain't sitting next to Susan and Tim as they discuss that. So that's the only pushback I give against that. I don't think black people are more or less like this, this and that Now the media will always demonize us, if you want to put it that way. But when the same attention the Weinstein stuff got, that's the same attention that.
DeLaw:Diddy did.
Wes:So it be the media. The words they choose to say might be a little different. Same level of attention.
DeLaw:Hey, look, from what I've been hearing from the Black women community, they've only spoke harshly of the three people that have gone, or the two of them.
Wes:Right, because that's our community. You think they give a F about Roman Polanski or Harvey Weinstein or Jeffrey Epstein, or I can continue to name the seven heavens guy. Remember the guy that?
DeLaw:paid him.
Wes:We're not, I don't care, you don't care.
DeLaw:I get what you're saying, but my whole thing was even so, if he gets found not guilty, and then y'all just lock him up. Lock him up, mike. Is that how you feel my thing was? Is that how y'all feel about every black man? And then you complain that black men don't like, black women like if your black man is saying that he's innocent. I'm not saying Puff is innocent, I'm not saying Coddly's innocent he's on the floor.
Wes:It's going to be really hard to see him being innocent in anything. Then when you see those videos again, those things, it's kind of like it's not swaying my judgment only because I already thought he was a little weird, because he said these things before we even knew that this was going on.
DeLaw:I'm not saying that none of the three black men that have been locked up that have been people who we've grown up watching and listening to our own lives. I'm not saying that they were innocent, saying that they were innocent. But I told her, I said, if that's the case, you practically said that anytime a black man is accused of this crime, whether he's guilty or not, you want them locked up. I could be accused. I could if I was still a teacher. I could have been accused of raping a kid, knowing good and well that I ain't do nothing to no kid, don't even know the damn kid. You want to say lock me up because that's what, like that's the energy that has been presented.
Wes:So why did your wife get mad? Because, did you say? Are you saying, did you say to her that yo, is that how you feel? Yeah, what she said.
DeLaw:She said I didn't understand. She said that he's the this is this and he's been trafficking women and he deserves to go to jail. He's a. She's pretty much just going off what she saw and just I think y'all missed each other's point.
Wes:Y'all missed each other's point.
DeLaw:Probably. She always says I always defend men. And I said well, you always take up every woman's side, whether they're lying or not. It just kept going downhill. I'm not saying that it was going uphill, it kept going downhill. I mean, I'm not saying that it was going uphill, it kept going downhill. Uh, what that you know? I guess I was like I call it what it is. It is wrong and the evidence is there. Hey, lock him up. The evidence is there. If there ain't no evidence, what do you? What are you saying lock him up, for if there's no evidence that he's done anything, why are you mad at me? Because I said that I think he'll get off, because everything's circumstantial. You can't, just because I'm looking at, I ain't gonna lie.
Wes:I had the same flack for saying that none of this shit seems. All this shit, none of this shit seems. What was the Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion situation? I gave a very neutral uh thing. I didn't say I was for tori, I didn't say I was for meg, I was like the way these things typically play out, this don't sound right. No, and then I yo, I got crucified by two women at the same time but like, once again, they were missing the point that I was trying to make it and so wrapped up into emotion and I get it like I, I love, I love black women in general, I love women in general.
Wes:So it's one of those things where, like, I don't ever want to see them not being women like, or being treated like women and stuff like that and being, you know, um, adored and shit like that. Like I think it's dope, like the fact of what they are for us. You know what I mean. So I get wifey's part, but I, I truly understand your part because I'm a man, because it's. It's one of those things like give the man a fair shake, because we look at it as we get lied on so much and all the time and things get skewed that I don't want to ever be in that situation. And she's looking at it like, well, look, women get hurt and killed and whatever, whatever. She don't want to be in that situation, right. But we don't know the facts. We don't know the facts, right. And I'm just like when we know the facts, right, and I'm just like so when we know the fact.
Wes:That's when we can all say that nigga need to go to jail right I was because someone can say, oh, I was traffic, but you know, maybe he has some proof, or just like yo, nah, she just kept coming to his house. So she just kept coming to the parties on her own accord you know you don't know, you don't know right and some of this stuff is.
Wes:It's in this. It is in a manner where you would never know, because it is secret. So it's kind of like only him and those people know. That's how it's going to turn out.
DeLaw:I know. This is why I tell it sometimes like it's hard to have discussions about this, because it's too it's one thing if we're talking about something specific. And I remember I brought up this thing to her, I said I think women blindly believe women, regardless of the situation. And I told her this about the meme I think I sent you the meme about the guy going up to women asking them and this is black and white. With any woman, do you think Lizzo's cute? Oh yeah, she's bad, oh yeah, she's sexy. And then he'd turn around and say, well, you know what you look like, Lizzo. And then he'd get very offended by it, Like what do you mean.
DeLaw:What? At his room he just said that she's bad, she's sexy, she's a bad bitch. I thought that's a compliment and that's like they get.
Wes:They get so, um, here's the word they get so, uh, they get. They get so, um, uh, strong when it comes to like supporting each other, which you should do. You should, yeah, but they detached themselves, react from reality about how you should, you know, promote somebody or big them up and stuff, and their main commodity would always be beauty. So you're gonna say like you're a woman's way of like bigging someone up or saying like you support them as how beautiful and whatever, whatever they are, and this, this and that, but once you hear like oh, you look like Lizzo. And then, when they snap to their senses, you calling me fat and it's just like Right.
DeLaw:Because that's what I say. If a girl was like do you think Tyrone Hill is a good?
Wes:looking dude be like. No, he's ugly as shit.
DeLaw:We're going to tell you how it is because we're not going to look at this and be like Tyrone Hill. You know who this nigga was voted most ugliest nigga in the world, on every continent but that's once again.
Wes:That's something that women hold to a high standard, which is their beauty. Now, if it was us and you'd be like yo, tyron will be getting money like that. You'd be like man. I got more money than that mother. Don't be saying I'll be getting money like tyron you know what I mean I'm using that as an example. I'm just saying if he was like not making money. But you get what I mean.
DeLaw:I know what you mean.
Wes:Reverse you could be good looking. But and somebody asked Tyrone, like yo, you getting money like D-Lo, who the fuck? Who is that? Like you know what I mean, it'll be that type of reaction Will you get money, like west.
DeLaw:It'll be that type of reaction. It's just about what we covet, as you know, the pinnacle of like whatever, whatever, and I don't think there's that many dudes that'll be like, well, not any dudes who are completely straight that will be like oh yeah, more shenanigans. Oh, that's a sexy nigga.
Wes:You're not gonna say no, it's how you answer. It's how you answer the question. It's how you answer the question.
DeLaw:He's a good looking brother.
Wes:It's not even I ain't even going that far. I'm like yo. I can see why the ladies dig him. You know what I mean. He carries himself as a handsome man.
DeLaw:That is it or he's not a bad looking guy?
Wes:He's not a bad looking guy. I always start my stuff off. I can see why women like him.
DeLaw:I'm not in that yeah, I mean, I think this is like almost a perfect example of how men and women use logic to answer questions, because there's ain't no way that, all of a sudden, I'm just going home and say, tyrone Hill, yeah man, he's a good-looking dude man. Well, you look like Tyrone Hill. Hold on, why me I go that far? Nah, I'm going to take Nah. So if someone told you they look like you, look like Tyrone Hill, is that offensive? Hell yeah, that's offensive as shit.
DeLaw:Fuck you shit, Logic man we just slam back to reality and I get the whole. Women want to be there for women, but it's funny how guys don't feel that way and we have better relationships with each other and women barely like each other, but they want to stand up for each other. It's the wildest shit.
Wes:Listen, I would never say don't continue to stand up for women. Women, other women just know how to do it right, so you ain't looking all crazy out here. Just like men know how to stand up for other men and say state facts without with knowing how to do it right, you don't. You don't stand up for the egregious stuff or this, this, and that it's just more or less like yo, I know how that is for a man and maybe he was trying to this, this, this, this and this and blah blah, blah thing, blah blah. Giving the man's point of view, because you understand that sometimes women support but don't never get the woman's point of view. So we can't, but we can see their support as logical, right, it's straight emotion, full gas. And you like well, why do you think that? And you got to pull back all these layers and you're like okay, I get how you think that or why you're saying that, but it's 30 minutes later I'm gonna mess with this girl man.
DeLaw:And when her first off I met her at the liquor store, she was working there and I pulled up and I was like, hey, you know, you want like we're having people, I'm having people over at the house, like, do you want to come through? She's like well, where you live. I said, well, this is my phone number, just text me if you want to come through. So she texted me, whatever. So we met up. I think the first time I met her, I think I gave her a kiss or some shit, like she was cool.
Wes:What are you doing On the cheek or in the mouth, in the mouth?
DeLaw:I'm trying to get the pussy nigga.
Wes:So you did it on the mouth In the mouth, yeah.
DeLaw:She invites me over, like I want to say. A couple days later I went over a couple times and she was saying to me one time she was like you know. I said you know she's like let me guess I look like Jill Scott because she was Jill Scott's size and I was like no, I said you really look like Gabrielle Union, and she was like, huh, I take a BB dough.
Wes:No, I said you really look like Gabrielle Union and she was like huh, I take a BB dough. Gabrielle Union, face all day the chocolate too.
DeLaw:She kind of thought I was lying to her right and I was like, no, no, no, I said you got to see it from my perspective. I'm looking at your face. You got the little Gabrielle dimples, yeah, the dimples. And again I'm seeing Gabrielle Union, gabriel dimples. Yeah, I'm seeing gabriel union. Yes, you, your body wise. You you've got jill scott body a little slimmer than jill scott, but nonetheless the jill scott. But in the face you've got the gabriel union dimples and she's like wow, that's very articulate of you. I don't know how we ended up talking about god and make it out, but ended up talking about God and making out. Well, we started talking about God and making out and then I hit the chain and she told me I was weak.
Wes:I was like yeah, could you even imagine how that conversation goes? And then you're like oh, she told you it was weak the day of.
DeLaw:No. So we started fucking and she said, yeah, it was cool. No, it was kind of weak, Like I ain't gonna hold you like that whole doing this slow. I'm a little bigger, I'm gonna need you to fuck me. I said, oh, OK, that's it.
Wes:It does, that's it she got this shit up again.
DeLaw:Man went to that thing.
Wes:It's funny, I got you.
DeLaw:She was like thank you for fucking me. She was like pull my hair. I pulled it up.
Wes:I know we got to get off topic. If it's the first session, of course we try to figure out what's what. She was honest. I respect the honesty. I respect giving me a second chance. That's not even what I really do. I could do that. I just didn't know you was that type of woman. Here I go.
DeLaw:I mean when she bet that thing, it's on me. When I bet that thing over that, everyone was like, oh, you hit it from the back. When I see it, it was just perfect. And that thing pulled at his night. That she's like okay, I could deal with this. Yes, I had left. So I left her house that day, went to class my classes are pretty early. I was working for the feds at the time too. Um no, I wasn't working for the feds. I think I had lost my job one way or another. I was doing something. She called and she's like so, like that's how it is, you're gonna fuck me and just like roll. I was like it's been literally 8 hours. I just left your house not too long ago yo, I was talking to my homie about that.
Wes:I was like yo, you just can't be putting down immaculate dick and for some reason, once you do that, it's like yo, we go together. I gotta call you right after now, or but this, this and that. But that's my experience before I hung my jersey up. That's always what it's been. If you put down that, just be prepared to be like yo, you know I had a good time. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Send a couple of those off your shit go. But other than that, they won't be super pissed Like.
Wes:You treated him like a hoe, even though you did and when I say this, I mean this in the most respectful way, from my experience, even though I am out the game. When it's time to have sex or you know, whatever you do with your woman or whatever have you in the bedroom, they want you to treat them like a hoe. And when I say that, I mean just do all the nasty shit that you would probably do to her. They love that shit. Yeah, and they love that shit. And once you do that, you continue to treat them like a lady afterwards. Yeah, but that's on you. You know what I mean.
DeLaw:I will say, if I had started fucking her consistently I could have dealt with that.
Wes:She was cool, I mean she had a good spirit about it.
DeLaw:Yeah, like honestly, honestly, pure keeper of like, yes, this, this is I'll do, this is perfect. But at that point in time in life I you know what I'm saying I was messing with Hawaii. You know what I'm saying? I was messing with Hawaii. No, no, no, I wasn't messing with Hawaii. I was. What was I doing? Because I want to say I had just lost my job at the feds for that assault charge with. I just got laid off. So I wasn't I was messing with her and I was messing with this other jank, little light skin jank that was kind of that was kind of cute, with nice little thick ass. I mean, I was messing with a couple different janks, so it didn't necessarily fall in line To what I needed.
Wes:You know what I'm saying, I get it.
DeLaw:Because you know what like? If it was like so, let's say, in that time of my life, me and you had moved in together and we were just living bachelor life, it would have lined up Because then she could come through, I could go there, but I was living with my parents, still going to school, and it didn't line up too much.
Wes:because it's like you need a place to do that, and everybody else had a place where you can kind of just kind of.
DeLaw:Yeah, even if I had my own spot and she was like well, you want me to come through? Yeah, come through, because she worked down the street from my parents' house and you.
Wes:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
DeLaw:But it could have been all right, well, just come over. So I'd be like, hey, I'll see you in a couple of days, fam, go chill over there, go to class, go back there, whatever, come home. You know what I'm saying. It would be an easier transaction than having to go home, and not not that I had to go home, but if I'm like, well, I'm gonna go to my crib, if you want to come through where I have to work, just come through. It was none of that. It's always there. So if she was like, well, I'm not gonna be home, I got somebody over here because it was just one of them things like, well, somebody's over here. So I holler, all right, cool, it's, it was. It just wasn't feasible at the time to manage that. But pure keeper. I mean pure keeper even for her being of a bigger size.
DeLaw:Pure keeper because if I look back, it really wasn't my type, we just vibe. It was the weirdest it wasn't.
Wes:I always that's a lie, I was about to say always took the vibe over anything. Um, no, that's no, that's not. That's not a lie, that is the truth. What I looked for. It was different, but usually what I look for and went after I, this shit, just didn't mesh well and it was always like, well, yeah, I could rock with this and so I get that so that was that was that.
DeLaw:So wifey got mad because she's like you don't understand basically pretty much yeah, that's that's how it over, that's how it always is. It's not that I go out my way to defend men, but I will always say and I'm always straightforward about it She'd be like oh well, she cheated on him because he ignored her. That's still no reason to cheat. No, no, just in general.
Wes:If something happened with a man or a woman, if I told her, I understand women and the something about this last episode like I understand like women and the ignoring thing and you feel like you gotta, like you need that, but I almost rather you do the emotional shit with somebody else than just like opening up your legs because, how does your legs be the first thing?
Wes:or has the emotional thing happening and you got charmed out of your panties and shit like that. So it's kind of like two things happen you gave my shit away first thing, or, as the emotional thing happened, and he, you got charmed out of your you know your panties and shit like that. So it's kind of like two things happen you gave my shit away and you and you shit. You know what I mean. So it's kind of like come on now, and if you gave my shit away and just that, then it's kind of like you ain't really like you to begin with, because it shouldn't have been that easy because I know we we watched one movie.
DeLaw:This is why a lot of times I don't watch movies with her about things where someone does infidelity in a relationship because I don't even know why you're not lying.
DeLaw:Because, regardless of who it is, the funny part is. Here's the funny part, regardless of who it is that does it. My thing is if they're married, why are you cheating? So, even if it's the woman that cheats, I condemn them the same way. A man, if he goes out there and he cheats in a movie, I'm like nigga, like why are you fucking up? And she'd be like oh, oh, oh, oh you. Finally, on the woman's side, I said I'm on the side of your man, right and wrong as well. Like, if you're married, why are you doing that? Well, he tried to talk to her. Let's say it's the woman she tried to talk to him. I said but you go and cheat, regardless of whether or not you try to talk to him or whatever, or you're tired of it. How many?
Wes:movies are y'all watching? When it's stuff like that, maybe my wife don't watch none.
DeLaw:It's a lot of them.
Wes:I'm not saying it's not a lot of movies like that. I'm like why are y'all watching a lot of movies? Well, we don't know, that's coming.
DeLaw:A lot of times we'll watch a TV series and it'll be a husband and wife and the next thing you know one of them is Right and it's just like are you serious?
DeLaw:And I can look at it like how we keep finding this shit. But you know, because I say what I say, she says what she says and I look all right, whatever. And then that's it. I'm not going to get in a whole discussion with you about it. After whatever's said, we can watch some movie and keep it going. And then we go to counseling and, you know, figure our own marriage out to make sure we're not going straight. You know what I'm saying. So to figure our own marriage out to make sure we're not going straight, you know what I'm saying. It's always something.
Wes:Fuck, yeah, I remember my wife was discussing that. It wasn't really too much of anything, I just gave my viewpoints on it. I didn't even give my viewpoints on it, I gave what was given to us because she didn't know anything about it. I didn't even get my viewpoints on it, I gave what was given to us because she didn't know anything about it. I said what jokes I had to say and it was just kind of like. I was just like it's unfortunate. I was like your boy seems like an addict, psycho addict, power addict, like he was just like drug addict. He was just, yeah, addict behaviors, that's all. That's what it sounds like.
DeLaw:I think with getting into the industry he got into especially having to crawl his way up from the bottom, from being where he was, being the next in command and a record label to be cut. It's a different power feeling that you started from the bottom and you really hit.
Wes:You're the biggest name You've made so many. I'm going to tell you like this when I heard Andre Herrera I think that was the guy that was in Uptown Records, whatever that was his label when he did an interview and I heard him say like sometimes he said he had to fire Puff because Puff was just like doing too much when he said he might have said this or somebody else said this when he went to, he went to his office or he was there or whatever, and Puff was just walking around with a jacket on and no shirt on, like he was Jodeci and shit. And this is before he was Puff. He was still sean, interning at uh, interning and from and going to school at howard. It was just kind of like when I heard that I was like that motherfucker on some weird ass shit, so I just kind of just knew, like in high school that motherfucker was probably something else, so college couldn't probably tell him nothing.
DeLaw:And then boom, so it's just kind of like all those personality falls just probably just you know they had a way to you know be what they were, because, you know, even when I watched the tours which was even funnier when you said I practically run it, when you said that, I said it makes complete sense, there's a, there's a one that owns that. When you said that, I said it makes complete sense.
Wes:Why did we run that place? There's someone that owns that, so, yeah, I forgot about that part.
DeLaw:Yeah, I was like oh man, it was Uptown Records, Wiley Howard who fired him, Andre yeah.
Wes:Yeah, he was there.
DeLaw:That's right. He found all those other artists. Mary Jane and and that's what I guess and that's why I think it kind of he found Mary, he found Big, he found Young Unknown Usher, he found a lot of people and he probably was like I'm running this shit, like if I say this person's gonna be be a star, he think they're going to be a star. He's going to let me do it. And then he was feeling himself until he said I'm going to better myself and make bad boy.
Wes:I mean yeah, yeah, I don't understand how you and your wife got to argue over that, but I get it.
DeLaw:Yeah, I don't understand how you and your wife got to argue over that, but I get it. I think it's just a thing of viewpoint of where she comes from. She's seen the abuse. She's seen it too, how things happen to traffic and she's been involved in the abuse.
Wes:So in her mind, if she kind of got triggered a little bit.
Wes:Yeah, like if a woman says it happened, she gives them a 90% chance she also has to understand that men have been on the other side of like. If a woman said it happened, yeah, quote, unquote, it happened, even if it didn't. And there's been a lot of men locked up from women or got beat up from women saying that, and then the woman actually going back to the man because like, oh, I'm sorry I got you beat up, oh, I'm sorry You're in jail, I lied yeah. So it's just kind of like our moms tell us to watch out for stuff like that because they know that that stuff can happen. So there's always going to be a do not. A duality is always going to be like a, a second side of what you're not seeing. The Cassidy thing that was on tape. I'm not going to say, oh, that tape was doctored or whatever. Have you, he settled out of court? I mean you know what I mean.
DeLaw:That's like I told her. I said I'm not saying that there's not men out there that don't do that and don't abuse women and traffic them. I'm not saying that that's not a thing. I'm not saying that that's not what happens. I'm not discrediting your opinion. What I'm saying is that in these cases, you can't just say because they said it, that it's true. I can go and say that every woman who has had a rape lawsuit or whatever are liars. You could tell me that's not true. Not all of them. You can't take the minority of people who've been caught up in this stuff and make it the majority. That's how I see it At the end of the day, just like things that have been going on things I might not speak about because this is recorded but certain things have been going on where people will get accused of stuff and they're like well, it's not true, they filed for divorce.
DeLaw:Because it's like oh well, they got you on this, they investigated it, it has to be true. But it's like there's no evidence. There's no nothing, it's all circumstantial. And to this evidence, what are we talking about? You know what I'm saying. Until they lock those doors up and turn the key, they haven't proven that I'm guilty of anything.
Wes:Even then, sometimes you get locked up when they haven't proven that I'm guilty of anything. Even then, sometimes you get locked up when anyone clearly proven yeah.
DeLaw:So and I think what I'm hoping they don't do because I think this is what they did with Cosby, this is what they did with R Kelly is they get just enough and the jury, no matter how unbiased they think they're going to get the jury, the jury hears all of it and the jury's going to lock them up.
Wes:Here's the thing.
DeLaw:I think that's a little unfair.
Wes:I'm not saying like I said, I don't think Bill Cosby and R Kelly are innocent.
DeLaw:I think the women that they encountered, those parents for R Kelly that they encountered, they're not innocent either, and if he's going to get locked up, every last one of them should have been locked up.
Wes:This is the thing. He might not even get got on. The stuff the freaky-ass niggas said he might get got on.
DeLaw:He'll get the blackmail.
Wes:He'll get the blackmail the guns in the house without no serial number.
DeLaw:See, that's a tough one.
Wes:See what I'm saying See what I'm saying.
DeLaw:Now, if his attorney's good, if his attorney's good.
Wes:The serial numbers are gone.
DeLaw:If his attorney's good, he can provide documents oh.
Wes:I see what you're saying so when you do stuff like that, I am about to show my criminal side as a slight side. So when you do stuff like that, right is with the intent of like yo, this will be throwaway guns or this will be a throwaway gun. Yeah, I legally purchased it. I don't know where that gun is at. So let's just say, hypothetically, allegedly you get a gun, all right, serial number one Are you using it and using it? And you have to now use it for something that you will. You don't want to name on video and recording, but you have to use it for another reason rape, do your thing, get rid of evidence, don't know where their gun is at. You report the motherfucker stolen or whatever. Have you? They not gonna find it because you already got rid of it and the serial number is gone. Police reporting, all that shit. You make it look good or you just don't even report it stolen.
DeLaw:Just be like it is what it is right, hey, well, I look at it this way, if you want to. You got all these with no serial numbers, maybe you, maybe you wanted a peaceful party. You told them hey, all guns got to go over here. There ain't no guns in this house. And they got so drunk and left their guns. That'll get them locked up. Don't listen to me, puff. I'm sorry. What did he say? His name is Love.
Wes:I don't know what his name is.
DeLaw:Look, Mr Combs, don't listen to me.
Wes:His mother's name was Sean. I'm going to call him Sean. That won't be a with Sean. I'm going to call him Sean. Oh yeah, man, that's going to be a tough one. That's going to be a tough one.
DeLaw:I got a question for you. I got a scenario. Okay, what's up? Yeah, I need a scenario. Okay, I got to pour this vodka in this cup. As long as it's not a sippy cup nope, I'm gonna sip it out of this cup. So meet somebody. You meet them online in a, a social media group that you both have.
Wes:I love VBWs.
DeLaw:What that is a group and so you meet somebody, y'all start talking, y'all hang out, you go visit them in the city that they're in and whatever, okay. So the first part of this question is number one in your 20s, would you do a long-distant relationship with someone who you met on social media? I've done it, okay. Now how far Shit I was fucking with somebody in Florida.
Wes:I was fucking with someone who you met on social media. I've done it, okay. Now, how far Shit. I was fucking with somebody in Florida. I was fucking with somebody in Pennsylvania. I ain't never seen him, don't count. Why don't I count?
DeLaw:Because you got to go see him.
Wes:I mean, I'm in my 20s, what money do I got? Yeah, that's true. So I might have met them somewhere, like I've seen them in real life or whatever. Yeah, of course I ain't that type of weird motherfucker in my 20s, so I've seen them. But you know, it'll be something like that.
Wes:I've done it.
DeLaw:So In the process of this, I don't mind. You know, know this is a person. Now this person is in this relationship with this person and I'm guessing it's serious. You know their boyfriend and girlfriend.
DeLaw:The person who is in the elder state sends you a text message saying sends you a text message saying that you, because you're a significant other or you're dead, you get a text message from that person saying that you been messing with somebody else and the message came to their phone. They screenshot, they send it to you and everything else.
Wes:I get a message from my girl. I get a message from my girl.
DeLaw:You get a message from your girl.
Wes:From her phone From her phone and that she has been messing with someone.
DeLaw:That she got a text message or a DM from somebody.
Wes:Yeah, that's obvious, that's the same thing we should have in the meeting before too Go ahead, continue, which I knew was a lie, but go ahead.
DeLaw:So same thing we should have in the meeting before. So go ahead, continue, which I knew was a lie, but go ahead. So that happens to you, right? Uh-huh? So your girl over here trying to gaslight you to see if you're going to slip up and everything else right.
Wes:She's like why do women do this shit?
DeLaw:She gaslighted you. Well, you know what? This is not the first time it happened. It's not, you know, pretty much trying to convince you that somebody did yeah. Now you know, ain't shit like that happen? Yeah, so you find out, this motherfucker and his friend had her friend text her that stuff to see what you want to do, to try and test you. How do you deal with that?
Wes:How did I deal with that? Because I have done that has been a thing.
DeLaw:How did you deal with that? This is curious. I mean, I'm only telling you stories.
Wes:This is a young dummy. I was just very cool with this shit. It was just like yo. I don't know, this is a young dummy. I was just very cold with this shit. I was just like yo. I don't know what you're talking about. I know I ain't the one, don't, nobody know me, this, this, and that I mean. If you won't believe it, oh well. And I left it up to the old will and eventually it didn't last long because she just kept trying to whatever, whatever. And then didn't last long because she just kept trying to whatever, whatever. And then we just stopped talking, like we just kind of ghosted each other. That was just it. So just like it is what the fuck it is.
Wes:Yo, if I know, you came up here for summer and just by whatever this is this situation and just by having stands, I meet you, we, you know we having a quote, unquote, summer fling. You gotta go back. This, this isn't that. And now you back in Mississippi. Who the fuck do you know up here if you were originally from Mississippi, besides the people that you was up here with and that was at Wardour ain't? No way don't? I'm young, 20, this is like pre. This is Facebook, but kind of pre Facebook. You don't know nobody for real, for real, if they not on social media like they are now. There's no way you could define that shit right.
DeLaw:So no, that you're lying I don't believe you I was, I was, I was, I was a little, uh, I was a little harsher when, uh, I was told this story. Um, I won't say where the young man is from that was doing this, because it's a young lady who I work with that told me the story.
Wes:She did it.
DeLaw:I would say she's the victim of this crime as of right now. Okay, I see what you're saying. So the dude I'll just say he's from like wherever We'll call the nigga, michigan. Right now. She was like yeah, you know he texted me that some dude DM'd me about this and this is not the first time and like you know like what's going on down there?
Wes:Are they friends on, are they like on Instagram, and what are you talking about?
DeLaw:It was a Facebook and Instagram group. So she said she's gone up to Michigan to go visit him, hug out with him everything else. So you know me, here's the thing.
Wes:I can see if that is true in this day and age. I can see how that's a little bit believable only because of what people the extent that people go to to make sure that nobody get a girl or man that they want the catfish shit, that seems to be a thing and it's still a TV show on MTV. Like it's real easy for someone. Let's just say this person was a real person, that sent them something or someone to do their investigation, whatever, whatever, and figure that shit out or make it believable like that person did do something. You get what I'm saying, right?
DeLaw:so like I told her. I said look, I said, first off, you, you're not even legal drinking age.
Wes:I actually get money to go to. I'm just saying I ain't had no type of money back in the day making fucking trips like that, but that's neither here nor there.
DeLaw:Like I said, I'll tell you when we're off air exactly where he is, then you'll realize. Okay, that makes sense.
Wes:You're going to say his name, got a ward off, and she ain't fucking that sense. You're going to say his name and Ward off, and she ain't fucking easy. That's what you're going to say.
DeLaw:Well, I gave a far place because, if I name it it says around it, you'll realize where he's really from. I picked somewhere a little bit north, north-north Michigan. Michigan was the best one I could come up with. I was like she was like I met his parents. I met his family.
Wes:Yeah like this is a real relationship.
DeLaw:This is a real relationship, okay. So she was like he won't come down here. And then when he comes down here, it's this. And then when I go up there I prefer to stay in the hotel. And I was like I ain't gonna hold you, I ain't going to hold you, I ain't going to hold you. You're 20-something years old. You know the dude. He probably about the same age as you. I can guarantee you he fucking all them other bitches up in Michigan that look good. He probably probably two or three of them. He just got you on the line because when he come down here he wants probably find the two or three of them. And he just got you in a line because when he come down here he wants something to do. I said you're getting all wrapped up in all that. Once he said the shit and you said that he thought he was childish. Why are we even having this conversation?
Wes:Yeah, if he's childish, that means he most likely this is fake. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
DeLaw:I said. The fact that you're even telling us about it because you feel some type of way about it lets me know it's time for you to say, yeah, fuck this and move on. Maybe you don't want to open up your legs and go in your room and make a shit like a lot of us did when we were your age. I get it Not everybody's built like us, but you need to come to terms with if this is a real thing. He shouldn't be playing them games with you and then y'all should be at some point making some sort of arrangement of like where do you guys want to be in the next five years and how do we come together?
Wes:If y'all in your early 20s, early 20s, Fuck it, Fuck it.
DeLaw:I said why are you?
Wes:trusting yourself over. If you feel good looking woman, why are you trusting yourself over this?
DeLaw:I told you about that offline too, Okay nevermind Either way why are you?
Wes:trusting yourself over this.
DeLaw:If you're a good-looking woman, why are you chasing yourself off with something like playing these games? My supervisor and I like my supervisor, he's cool. Even I tell him my supervisor's five years younger than me, so he's still. So he's still, yeah, so he's still. His perspective of it was more towards hers, paz was more towards why the hell are you dealing with this shit? I just turned 39. I'm about to be 40 next year.
Wes:Why are you fucking with us? That's one thing. When we were younger, we didn't really think too much about our peace. We just thought how the world and people were were, quote unquote punches in the mouth was what was supposed to happen. And it's like, nah, in some situations, not even some situations, and, yeah, as most situations, that's not how it's supposed to be. And once you realize that's not how it's supposed to be, you won't learn to defend yourself. You ain't going to get punched in the mouth like that, no more. So this is a learning moment. I'm showing you how to bob. I'm showing you how to weave Fucking, defend yourself.
DeLaw:And I was like look, I get it, you might like him, but in retrospect this is a flame, this is a flame, this is a flame, this ain't no, it ain't serious. Actually I said when you go up there to Michigan, do you stay with him and his family? Well, no, I prefer to stay at a hotel. But you were home.
Wes:No, don't say that.
DeLaw:I had to tell her. I had to tell her it wasn't that no, no, no.
Wes:You said you prefer, so that's her choice. That means they gave her the opportunity. No, that means they gave her the. That means they gave.
DeLaw:He only called her up when he wants her up. He only oh, now I'm busy this week, alright, y'all free Once you're up. He only oh, now I'm busy this week. Oh, now I'm busy this week. Oh, I'm busy this week, all right, y'all free. Come on, you only going up when he free, not when you free, not when y'all free. When he free, yeah, he come through. Do we spend time at the hotel? Oh, now he leaves, nigga. You want. I left him where he was. You know what.
DeLaw:You want to be in that mess and you must like it. That's how. That's how Gen Z niggas like, and not that she, she a real nigga, I ain't going to lie, she a real nigga, alright. Like if there was someone to run through that unit and it was like all right, all the guys get up to protect she getting in there in the mix because she ain't fucking around. She's going out there and banging with the rest of us. She ain't super girly, she want to throw down with the niggas. She's a homie at this girl. She wanted to throw down with the niggas. So you know she's a homie at this point.
DeLaw:But I was like come on you. I said, look, take it from Uncle D-Law. Okay, it's time for you to move on, and if you're going to go ahead and mess with somebody, do it in your city until you get old enough to be able to navigate a long distance relationship. Right, you know? Because at not even drinking legal age, you know where we're going. If I had a girlfriend who lived out in Cali or Texas or whatever, I'm fucking everything other than Sunday until you come into the city, or until I go fucking everything other than until you come into the city. That's why I go there. That's what you mean.
Wes:That is very, very true, very, very true. Speaking of, she wanted homies, somebody needs some advice from you. Oh All right, bring it on, came in from me. This came in from me. Oh, all right.
DeLaw:Bring it on, so Came in from me.
DeLaw:This came in from me.
Wes:Listen, you're going to give the advice. Let's just hypothetically it came to you.
Wes:So it's a 26 year old female and she says I made a cruel and probably porn brain by curious past at my best friend, who's a male. If he ever talks to me again, how do I apologize and make it up to him?
DeLaw:I ain't need to tell you the story oh, I was, like you said, crude, and what?
Wes:No. Vicarious pass at her best friend and probably porn biased, I'm sorry, porn brain. Vicarious pass. Made a pass at him.
DeLaw:Shit. Fuck the nigga and see if he like it.
Wes:Hey, that's a story. He didn't make a pass, she made a pass. That's what I'm saying. Fuck the nigga and see if he like it. Hey, that's not his story.
DeLaw:He didn't make a pass. She made a pass. That's what I'm saying. Fuck the nigga and see if he like it, unless he married.
Wes:Here we go. Tell me the story, all right. I have identified as a lesbian for my entire life, but I've never been repulsed by the idea of sex with a man. That's not me, pause. That's not me, pause, that's her.
Wes:And lately I've been curious about what it is like and what it will be like with my best friend, who's 24 and is a male. Let's call him Daniel. In particular, our parents are friends. We were next door neighbors growing up and we've been friends as long as I can remember and I have the expectation in my head, probably from porn, that if a lesbian is feeling vicarious then of course any male friends she has will be down to fuck. I also got the sense that Daniel has always been kind of attracted to me since we were teenagers, but that he made an effort not to catch feelings because he respects my sexuality, which is really endearing. So I propose some casual sex while we were getting coffee together one day, thinking that I thinking that even if he says no, his reaction will be cute and funny. It was neither cute nor funny. First he looked shocked and then he didn't really hurt and angry. His hands balled up and fist on the table and he and we haven't physically fought since we were children, but I am dead sure for a second that he's about to hit me. Instead he stands up, says what the fuck, sounding like he's on the verge of tears and leaves the cafe. It didn't occur to me how cruel what I did to him was until after he left, and now I want to crawl in a hole and fucking die.
Wes:It's been two days and he isn't answering my texts. He hasn't told any of our mutual friends or family what happened, but any who've asked me. I just told them it's my fault, but I haven't gone into details and they're all rightly pissed at me right now. If he ever speaks to me again, how do I make this right? And then she says to clarify, I explained that I'd been feeling vicarious and that he's the only man I feel comfortable experimenting with, before proposing that we have casual sex.
Wes:To people saying I've been stringing Daniel along while we were teenagers, I want to clarify again that he's had serious girlfriends before and I made this proposition when we both happened to be single. I sent Daniel an apology text last night, keeping in mind your suggestions and advice, and I got a text back this morning. That is probably the best I could have hoped for. He texts back I'm going to need to not talk to you for a while. I understand that I was the only man you would have felt comfortable experimenting with like this, but I know we've never directly talked about this. I think you also know that I have to. I have to try hard to keep my thoughts and feelings about you platonic, which means you made this proposition assuming I'll be fine with just taking what I could get from you, and I'm angry and humiliated that you apparently think so lowly of me. I'll contact you when I feel like talking more. I love you but also eat shit and die. What advice do you have for this young lady? Uncle D-Law, who do you?
DeLaw:love. Well, first of all, oh God, that's right there. So I just want to make sure that I've heard clearly that the guy doesn't want to talk to her anymore, Right?
Wes:Nah, I mean they're friends. He's just like yo, I ain't going to be just using me for dick. That's basically what he's saying, Like don't, don't treat me like that, Right. I've been trying hard to keep my feelings like what it is, because you said you're gay. Now you tell me something you want to experiment saying, Right? So here's what.
DeLaw:I'll say Advice for her, advice for her, um, so there's a way for her to get out of this. Okay, how the?
Wes:fuck, did you get out of there? You already told her he shouldn't die and he told he shouldn't die.
DeLaw:But because she identified as lesbian doesn't necessarily make her a lesbian, even though you know, whatever is she vicarious she's vicarious, but her biological clock is going off in a way that she can kind of state it is like look, even if she and I think the way she threw it out there was a little awkward, it was, it wasn't straightforward like, look, I like you, I'm attracted to you.
Wes:Yo, what if Shorty looked like a stud and I just totally threw him off man that day? What if that day she was looking like that? Because for him to say, yo, I'm attracted to you, that means he had seen her in a.
DeLaw:I can guarantee you she's a stud Just from the way it is. It's a stud Like I'm bi-curious, she's a stud. You know how you change a nigga's mind in real life. It shows that you can be presentable out in the world and people be like, damn, that's you son. Okay, I see you. I see you. If I'm going to walk into a place with a chick who is a stud, who's now not a stud, and we walk in looking identical and I'm like, look, what the fuck wrong with you? You've got to remember that you have to be appealing to the person, so his problem is you treat.
Wes:You treat me like anything. But his problem is you treat me like anything. She didn't mean to treat him like anything. She wants to know how she can apologize and make it up to him and get their friendship back on track. So he's dead. He don't want that. He don't want that.
DeLaw:He doesn't want that at the moment. I sent you the meme that said with a guy who said that you know he crumbled the bottle to his wife, all this stuff and said now blow into it. You see how it's full. I'll blow a job to cure everything.
Wes:Yeah, I did see that, yeah.
DeLaw:On a real note. On a real note, on a real note. How do you repair that? So women have this tendency of thinking that all the things that they do doesn't come with a consequence. So if you've been telling a dude, we just friends, we just friends, we just friends, we just friends, all this other shit, all this other shit, you know whatever, all of a sudden you're like you know what, fuck it, why not? You end up like the dude that's been engaged with, that was engaged for three years.
DeLaw:You pretty much have that situation, but just openly saying I just want to see what Dick feel like. And I think that's the issue is like you want you, you want to see what Dick feel like, and he's like you're not going to use me for an experiment. So what she has to do honestly is just say look my bad, like. I'm at a point where I kind of like am feeling guy, like. It's a way to say like I'm at a point where I kind of like am feeling guy, like. It's a way to say like I'm feeling guys, but I don't know if I'm all the way there and of any guy who I trust in my life to kind of ease me into it that if I had, if I was born to not be gay, that I want to be with will be you. You pretty much ease that over with them. That it's not, that it's actually you say.
Wes:You say that it now makes me think like you think I'm so pussy that I'm close to pussy and that it'd be easy enough for you to try this by curious shit on with you think I'm soft nigga, that one be running through my head the whole time. So it's just kind of like I don't know if I was, if I was one of my home girls, I don't know how. Uh, you know, I don't know, because it's the same thing as it's the same thing as um, even if shorty was straight, like you try and get with her, you try and get with her and now, all of a sudden, or you want to get with her and she's like nah, so right now, the nah is because she is a lesbian. But just imagine shorty straight and she just like nah, but she gives you whatever reasons, and now she's like now, I'm ready. But she doesn't even say it in such a like oh, I've been whatever, whatever, whatever. It don't seem endearing. It's just like nah, I'm ready, let's do this, let's make this work.
Wes:You'll be like did somebody dump you? Like are you, this is I'm not a rebound, or you know what I mean. Like no guy wants to feel that way. To be honest, I don't really know what advice I would give her. To be honest, I might even say like yo, if you really care about him and this might be this might destroy the relationship even further but if you really care about them and you want to be curious and you feel like you, safe with them, uh, turn into a full-fledged relationship. Yeah, y'all both single. That is how you, that, that's how you be, that's how you. That's how you. That's how you remedy that, in my opinion. Because if he does say no now, y'all both feeling rejected and feeling disgusted at the same time, like alright, we should have never went down that far, because you don't really want to do that with me and you don't want to do this with me.
DeLaw:But if because she already fucked it up as it was being gay, for since they were teenagers, and whatever, because I can guarantee you he liked her and I'm not going to say that she was black if she was like a feminine lesbian woman.
Wes:Listen, let's just say for this story, all intents and purposes she is, because they didn't say she was a stud. And if he also said he liked her, he tried to hold down his feelings. If he has feelings for a woman that looks like a guy, that's a whole other situation. So we're going to assume that that's not the case.
DeLaw:But that's why I said it's a white woman. All right, put it this way. If it was Queen Latifah, from Saturday to all, saying this to you, I get what he's saying. If it's Janelle Monáe, I think she said she's gay, the one that was in Hidden Figures. If it was her saying it, why are you saying I don't want to rock with you, shorty bad?
Wes:You see what I'm saying, but his mindset is more I get what you're saying, but even if it was, it could be. It could be. Let's just say, for all intents and purposes, janelle Monáe. It could still be janelle monae and I could be like who you think I am like. That's why I said the whole thing of me to be like. You think I'm that pussy, you think I'm, you think I'm the bitch you could roll up for me. Be like yo, just give you something I do that, you don't do that.
DeLaw:You know that's, that's how I know me. You sometimes on a different wavelength because I've been like, oh, you just want to get this shit, but the thing is, that's also your home girl, that's also your home girl but I'm also thinking of it. I'm 24, 26 in that area, because that's what age they said they was at that time. Now 34, 36, 34, 36. I can understand what he's saying, because that's what age they said they was at that time Now 34, 36.
DeLaw:I see what you're saying. 34, 36. I can understand what he's saying. I can understand because it's like nah, look, if you ain't, if you ain't about to be for this ride till death, do us part after we kind of get to know each other, whatever. Ain't no time, ain't no reason for us to be doing this shit. 24, 26. Oh, you just want some dick.
Wes:Oh, but also he already said he gave the situation of like I've held back my feelings. What did he say? He held back his feelings.
DeLaw:He held back his feelings yeah.
Wes:I'll try to keep my feelings strictly platonic. So if he wants more than platonic, then you can see how that's an insult. It don't really matter. If I wanted more than platonic, then you can see how that's an insult. It don't really matter. If I wanted more than platonic with a girl, you could see how I was an insult. I'd be like nah, I just really want you, though Like I don't want that other shit. I've been in that situation at 20. And I've been in a situation that you're talking about at 22. It depends on the girl. Obviously, they're friends that he sees highly of her, and it's been women. When we were in our twenties. We didn't see that much in them. We're just like. You are just for this. So that's what I'm getting at. You disrespected me at this point, cause you. You think I'm just like. Nah, I'm like, come on now.
DeLaw:You know how you apologize to uncle D law in this situation.
Wes:She's not apologizing, you're giving her advice.
DeLaw:I'm giving her advice. But if it was Uncle D-Law, that was this 24-year-old guy, dan. Let him see what that mouth do.
Wes:Yo, no, be truthful with him. Put yourself all the way out there. If you're going to be curious, it shouldn't just be curious for sex, because you can go get a dildo and see how it would feel to a degree, to a degree. You already like them. You're already cool. You're already willing to get to the point where you're able to touch, you know, put your mouth on body parts and shit. Go ahead, go the extra mile and be like yo hang out together. Y'all already hang out together.
DeLaw:But that's what I was saying. Like, at the end of the day, they, they are, they all. She already likes him and as much as she's trying to identify as a lesbian woman, what it boils down to is you like this guy, you want to kind of be with him, but you are worried that if you go into a wood, if it's not what you expected, that's the worry that everyone has in a relationship anyway.
Wes:So if that's the case, no, don't, don't and don't fuck it up, don't even pursue it any further.
DeLaw:Oh, I honestly, I honestly say pursue it, if you really pursue a relationship or pursueursue a relationship?
Wes:Yeah, pursue a relationship.
DeLaw:Pursue a relationship Because for him, it wasn't that she wanted to fuck, it was that she only wanted to fuck, it wasn't. Oh well, I kind of been feeling you, even though I'm a lesbian. I kind of want to see where this goes. She could have lived with that and he could have been like well, I mean, I get what you're saying, but I've known you for years and I like you, I love you blah, blah, blah. Not love you, like I'm in love with you. But you've heard the worst of me, the best of me. I've heard the worst of you, the best of you, and I think this will work for us to be in a relationship, because I'm positive. She could have worded it so much differently than saying I just want to know what it feels like to be with a real dick. She could have worded it so much better that we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now, because he'd have been like oh, I kept up with time for so long, blah, blah, blah.
DeLaw:And then this is where you realize that some women sometimes have a little awkwardness with themselves. Is she's a woman? When you came over to say that, did you present yourself as a decent looking woman or did you go over there like the homie? Did you go in there? Sundress season no drawers on under the jeans, tight little club dress on, hair done, makeup done or whatever going in? Did you go in there like that, asking that question yeah, go out and whatever. Did you go in there doing the proper things to get the results you wanted, or did you go in there like the homie?
Wes:Yeah, I don't know.
DeLaw:All that matters. All that matters Like, like we, we said in season one, you can't give the same thing without a different presentation. You, the homie, but now you're talking about you want to do some shit. I do not remember that remember you said for valentine's day you oh yeah yeah, yeah, women only give sex as a gift.
DeLaw:If you're going to give something, you gotta dress it up different. You can't go on there with your regular your, your stretch jeans and black shirt on, thinking that he's going to give you a different result after he held his emotion.
Wes:You can't, I don't think this shit had anything to do with the clothing, because obviously the clothing didn't matter. If he said I've been trying to hold back my feelings. Now, if he liked how dudes look and she looked like a dude, hey, still him, it didn't fuck his mind up. I think it's just the simple fact of like you're just going to be using me and I want to be more than being used.
DeLaw:You got to make the women. Women have a lot of power in their mouth and their buzzer.
Wes:Oh gosh, they do.
DeLaw:And if you dress it up nice, to where a guy looks at you and they can't keep their eyes off of you, what you're saying doesn't matter to them, because they're already undressing you with the eyes and once you hop on it they ain't thinking about shit. Okay, you're reducing us, man. That is not true. I'm just saying in general. Put it this way, case in point.
Wes:If you really wanted a girl, you probably wouldn't say most of the shit you're saying, but you're probably like fuck her. Fuck, she think I am and you probably wouldn't think nothing of it. You're probably like nah, I'm straight um if you really wanted a girl, if you really wanted a girl like, if, like.
Wes:So, I'm sure, as a young man and even when you got married before you know, with dating your wife and stuff, for y'all seeing each other, she made you feel a certain type of way that was more than just lust for her body. Right, you have to say yes, don't get yourself in trouble. You have to say yes, ok. So that's what I've been in that situation where you like, damn, I just want her. And you can't have her because everything seems to be smooth and easy and y'all can talk for hours and you don't have that shit with nobody else, just for that person to be like you know what I need? Dick, nothing else. And you'd be like what the fuck? And he's been holding that back for years. Hold on.
DeLaw:I'll give her a dick that one night After that.
Wes:No, here's the thing, and if I'm going to be doing that, I need to get it whenever I need to get it, because you're fulfilling a curiosity. I want to see what it's like to continue. I ain't going that far. The answer is no.
DeLaw:Like where she was messing up with me is I just want to do this one time.
Wes:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa the answer is no, it's not going to be no one time it's not going to be no, one time no.
DeLaw:If we about to do this for real, then you know what it is because we already homies, which means that once you open that gate, if you open here, yeah, we might not fuck every time, but we get a couple of drinks and you over here, I'm gonna be trying to see what that pussy do now you want to open them gates or not? And now, now you throw the ball right back at her court. Well, shit, uh, well it nope, it ain't. No. If anything, if you open up these gates, this is what it is. So think wisely about it, think very wisely about it. Like she might be better off not saying nothing and just kind of leaving it where it is.
Wes:She might be better off. He did say I'll reach out to you right now. He did say I love you but fuck you.
DeLaw:Because he likes her. He likes her. That's why I was like, at 24 years old dude, like don't be so sensitive about it, you got a lot of life to give.
Wes:Yo, he really likes Shorty. I mean that's just what it is. He really likes her. That's just what it is he really likes her.
DeLaw:It is what it is. He got a lot of dick to give you. Got a lot of shit to give you. Got a lot of shit to give you.
Wes:24 you ain't 39 starting to think you never really liked a girl man, that's what it sounded like. You really like a motherfucker. That shit don't mean none.
DeLaw:I think man look, I've liked a lot of girls.
Wes:Uh-huh. And he also said I love you. So this is they've been childhood friends, so there is love there.
DeLaw:Well, she fucked up, she fucked up, she fucked up with and, like we say in us being married, delivery is everything.
Wes:That's what I ain't never said. No, I ain't. Delivery is everything.
DeLaw:I mean look, there's no way around delivering something good. You have to deliver it the right way, Doesn't matter who it is, you gotta deliver it the right way. It doesn't matter who it is, you got to deliver it the right way. If you don't, you end up here Best friend list. Now you got to go find a random nigga that don't really give a shit and take the pussy and next thing you know you in the street saying dumb, dumb.
Wes:Today I know where you got the reference from. You know, I got to give up unfortunately, and I think you said it wrong.
DeLaw:I did the whatever. I did it wrong but you got the gist of it. You got the gist of it shout out to Freshman because, you know, belair just dropped their third season, so you know.
Wes:I ain't even finished watching the second season.
DeLaw:I'm about to start watching the third third. I'm just waiting on my wife you ain't gotta wait on her.
Wes:it's like nothing, man, oh man, oh yeah, I don't know. Man surely just need to be real with herself and actually think about her feelings. Uh, she might actually just like this guy and she don't know she like him yet she's fighting it. She's like nah, I'm a lesbian, you're not like you, be so committed to what you think you are and you're not willing to change, even if it's for yourself. He could be what you need in life. Nah, it's different. It's different from, like yo, this Amanda at the office, and you know she like yo, blah, blah, blah and that's your work wife, quote unquote but she a lesbian. That's quite different. I've known you forever, so I have the feelings are invested, and she already kind of knew that it's quite different. Now, if it was like somebody I was working with, like when I was in my 20s working at circuit city, and shorty came to me like this, this, and that, yeah, the answer is yes. Oh, yeah, the answer is yes, yeah, like you could like young, don't?
Wes:I know you ain't got no expectations and this and that, but you run the risk of like she like, not like, not digging it, fuck with somebody else at the office and he's like yo. Now they got laid and blew her back out of this. This and that made her quit being gay. Now they found out you was the first nigga. Oh man, you got to switch jobs. You got to switch jobs. So it's still tricky. It's still tricky, but yeah, man.
DeLaw:That's crazy.
Wes:It's funny too. It's funny as hell.
DeLaw:That's tough um on that note um talk to me nicely and say it the right way, you might get lucky yo, and then maybe she would try to incorporate some baby oil into the mix, you know, maybe.
Wes:Or another girl, yo. You think if she would have offered another girl that he probably would have been like. Okay, let me think about this.
DeLaw:I don't even apologize.
Wes:Yo, that's what she fucking should have did, Like yo, look, this is opportunity, but still, man, he's still being super used because now he's bringing another. She's bringing another chick in this situation and, yo, they running a train on him. He ain't running you know what I mean?
DeLaw:what if there was a chick he had been trying to get at? How would she know? Because they talk about everything, childhood friends. Yeah, it's a tough one he fucked up.
Wes:It's so tough, I don't know.
DeLaw:I kind of say, go for him fucking up, but hey.
Wes:Why? Because he should have made his intentions known earlier.
DeLaw:No, not even that You're going to tell her eat dirt bitch. I'll call you when I'm ready. Eat shit. It's literally. You now have her in the palm of your hand. You can now tap that with no feelings involved. Nah, come on now.
Wes:He already like yo. There's no, I'm going to tap it with no feelings involved. He already likes her and, for goodness forbid the pussy good Like yo. You're stuck. You like her and she's using you and you ain't going to never get no more once she say it's done. That's a tough place for dude to be in. You know it. You know it is like when you was younger and you're younger days before you hung up your jersey, you losing your best eater, your best drink that give you and she's just like nah, or you playing with me too much, or this, this and that you like. Now you're going months without some shit. That so fucking good. And you're just sitting there looking at the ceiling like fuck, this is going to be tough. Now you got fucking tryouts again. Who the fuck want to do that? Yeah, don't even save yourself the energy, just don't even go with that shit.
DeLaw:Look my jersey's in the rafters. I ain't even go forward with that shit. Look my jersey's in the rafters. I ain't got no more left in me. I'm one and done. I ain't being Jordan coming back with a full five in me. No, no, I ain't doing that. I ain't doing that. This is one and done.
Wes:Told my wife the same thing. She was like was like well, what if you? I'm like nah, I'm done, that's it? I was like, if anything was happening like that, I'm just gonna be a, a bachelor till I die shit.
DeLaw:I ain't got time to put up with no shit like pay for another wedding. I got lucky that my wife been paid for another wedding. I got lucky. I got lucky that my wife paid for majority of the wedding. Who's gonna say that you ain't gonna do that?
Wes:listen, it's true. Listen, young man and young lady. Okay, the moral of this episode to wrap everything up stay away from daddy and stay away from people that play with your mind and your heart. Thank everybody for tuning in and see you next time.