According To Wes
Finding the humor in everyday life and trying to understand what that means to me Join me on this never ending journey of self improvement and reflection with the help of friends.
According To Wes
Boy Scout To Man Child
Boundaries need to be set no longer will you be obligated to be a team player, help people in need or pay child support.
Everybody welcome back to another episode of the According to Wes podcast. Damn dryer goes off. You got me Wes Right on cue.
DeLaw:Right on cue with the dryer going off.
Wes:And always you got a D-Law here.
DeLaw:You got D-Law the sniper out here.
Wes:Still playing the division. Lord, A sniper out here Still playing the Division 2.
DeLaw:Yeah, just getting my eye out, I figured I got to keep progressing in it. So I'm like, all right, I'll do one little side, you know, either a side mission or a main mission and then I'll go and put the rest of my time in the 2K.
Wes:I mean, you can put your time up between both. You just gotta know how to do it yeah, but I figured why not put it.
DeLaw:You know, at least I know what I've noticed is if you do the missions or side missions, you get a lot more xp to help you level up. Right on my way to going to do these missions, I fight anything and everything that is possible and collect anything and everything that is possible, because you get points for that too.
DeLaw:By the time I get to the mission, I'm about to finish up this side of the mission before going into playing 2K. Generally, once I finish one mission I'm almost leveled up to get you know, to go to the next level really, and that's just another, maybe side mission or giving resources to another base, because I noticed that gives you. That gives you a lot of points too. Like if you go to one of your little bases that you capture the control points, they give you considerably, considerably good amount of points. So I've been doing that and figuring you know, figuring all that out. I'm at. You know, figuring all that out, I'm at. You know. I guess last time we recorded I had just restarted last week or something.
Wes:No, yeah, something like that, like a week and a half ago or so.
DeLaw:So I went from level one to I'm at level 18. After completing this side mission, I did not level up to level 19, but I am fairly close.
DeLaw:So it all kind of ends up working itself out.
Wes:Hell yeah. So Shit, I played all day yesterday and a little bit this morning. Oh, the Division or 2K. You know I'm not playing on the division 2K, no, but I was putting my time in between that Street Fighter and second eight.
DeLaw:So it's tricky. Well, for the most part I'm just trying to catch up to you and my player. I'm like all right, well, let me catch up to you for division. What's your number Then? 18.
Wes:Yeah, you should stop. I'm at 21. You should stop, I should stop. All right, yeah, I ain't saying stop right now, but you get what I mean.
DeLaw:If you get to 19,.
Wes:Just, you know slow it down a little bit more, cause I know you you'd be like damn, I got the 30. I don't know whatever you were and I'll be like 21, we back in the same situation, yeah all right.
DeLaw:So I will slow down once I get to a certain point, because I mean, obviously I just want to get to where I was, so that when, um one, I want to get that mission, that I was like shit, I could have got that mission and finished it and got whatever that little special thing was, and then I'll be content. Right, you know what I mean? I think it's one of those things. It's just like I knew that I could have got the thing if I had known what I was doing ahead of time. And now I'm like I'm going to complete that shit. Right, that's where I'm kind of at right now. I'm leaving a lot of my control points open Now that I'm over where the settlement is, because that's where we were fighting to get to at that point. So I'm back to where the castle settlement is, which is good. And, yeah, now I found my first. Now I have all three of the little checkpoints. Wait a minute, what's going on?
Wes:Oh, I completed two missions at one time.
DeLaw:Okay, that's weird. Okay, outside playable area. Oh, I'm outside the playable area.
Wes:Yeah, that means you're on a mission, that means you're leaving the mission area.
DeLaw:Oh, okay. Well, that was weird because I finished the mission. I think I was just going the wrong way. Let's see if it does again. I think I was just going the wrong way because I'm not looking at the edge of the map. Well, yeah, so I have my true sons open. I have my hyenas one, I have my hyenas one, and now I have found my first. I didn't realize that the outcast control points were all in, like western DC. I didn't realize that because it's good. So now it makes sense of how everything's broken up. It looks like southern DC is the true true sons, eastern slash, northern is all hyena, and then western western dc is all um outcast. So, hey, shit works out. Yeah, so how?
Wes:so far, I was uh, sly and kevin. How was Sly and Kevin?
DeLaw:Well, you know Sly and Kevin. I haven't seen Kevin in a while, so I think he might have been the one that got stuck on a mousetrap that was in our office. You know Sly, sly might be dead. I ain't seen him run across that motherfucker either.
Wes:So I think.
DeLaw:I think they're.
Wes:Both are dead, I think they're both dead, and a more serious question how is the new job? Is what I guess, what I'm trying to say.
DeLaw:Well, I got some disappointing news. You ready to leave? I've been ready to leave since I got there and I met Sly and Kevin Jeez. Oh man, you ready to leave? I've been ready to leave since I got there and I met Sly and Kevin Jeez. Oh man, I was like you know, I've been applying to jobs. And the guy was like yeah, you know, if you apply vertical, they won't negotiate with you to get more money. They're going to tell you how to take a step in. And I said I said they will give me something. I ain't going to move a lateral to get the same money.
Wes:It's dumb yeah, that's dumb as shit yeah.
DeLaw:I said, that defeats the purpose of moving on. If you're in a bad situation. It's like. It's almost like saying all right, well, if you. I was like you know what. So I looked it up. So it's not what it says, but it's kind of what he said. But if what it says, but it's kind of what he said, but if they negotiated, so it's a.
DeLaw:It's one of the things if you move lateral without a promotion, going up a grade, it's not that they can't negotiate, but they only negotiate minimally. So like between 6% to 12%, I'm cool with that. I'm cool with that too, because six percent of we bought 60 grand, a little bit more, maybe like 63 give or take. So if it's like so, let's say I, I end up going back to my old unit in a different position and I'm like well, I want to negotiate this because I don't want to, I'm not going to come back, have to pay for parking first off, because now I got compensated for that in my budget pay for parking, all the other stuff to come back.
DeLaw:Have to pay for parking first off, because now I've got to compensate for that in my budget Pay for parking, all that other stuff to come back and just make what I'm making now, this new place for that might as well. Stay there with Sly and Kevin, right? The rest of them, you know what I'm saying, right, but right now they're talking really nicely as far as they're thinking about moving my supervisor up and then move me over, which would give me a grade increase. But even with that, I could take that and negotiate more, which in my head, I'm like why not?
Wes:I'll thank you, they'll let you, they'll let you, uh, negotiate the grade increase they'll let you negotiate how much more you get into the steps.
DeLaw:So, instead of me moving and just going up to a 16-3, if I'm like, well, if I'm moving up and I know what the responsibilities are giving me, I want to negotiate 12% more money.
Wes:I see what you're saying. That shit's always tricky man, the organization's the only one to pay people.
DeLaw:Well, my biggest thing is I want to try and get. I need more steps, because where I'm at, what Wes Moore has done is he's taken away the beginning steps, so everything is starting. So, pretty much my salary now is the starting salary for anyone that comes in at my grade, yeah, so with him cutting the first two steps out and everything starts at a step three. If you were to apply to come into my position, since I've been going step-by-step since I've gotten there, my step is now to beginning getting, uh, beginning of, of, uh, the start of salary.
Wes:They changed the uh, they changed the range, probably because of cost of living and stuff like that. So where you're at right now uh, you had to work to get there, but anybody new coming in was like, oh no, just a new step, but the the cap is greater, is what you're saying? Yeah, I got you. So that sucks, that sucks in this. I I wasn't. I was in a situation like that where I was coming close on because of the uh, the colas and stuff like that. I was coming close to the cap for the position I used to have. I don't know my luck, not even luck, just the things that's been going on with me when it comes to the organization that I'm at. It's just like if I sat down and told you all the stuff, you'd be like this sounds like a movie and I'd be like. Or a TV show, and I'd be like, yeah, like a movie, and I'd be like or a tv show, I'd be like, yeah, I feel like that too.
Wes:Yeah, I don't even feel like I'm the main character in this shit. I feel like I'm just I'm just like a supporting cast and what's going on in that and that, that's with that situation. When I explained it to people, I explained it into detail to my wife, but she was just like ah ha ha, that's so political, not political like presidential or whatever, like office politics stuff. And I'm just like people are in office politics, people are using other people for their own benefit, but the people that are being used don't know they're being used. Yeah, not that it affects that person negatively, it's just well, you know, that's what I was going to point.
DeLaw:Everybody need more money, yeah, so I'm like all right, well, no matter what happens, I'm going to have to negotiate. Because I'm like there's no way that when I get my next step increase and Westmore says, oh yeah, I'm canceling out the step freeze. That means no matter what. I'm starting with everyone else who just got to. I'm like no, I can't keep, so I'm going to need some money. So I feel like I'm going to need some. You know it's shorted some money.
Wes:So I feel like I'm I'm going to need some. I'm going to need some, you know, to show that I'm valued. Yeah, go through this shit like that and I get it.
DeLaw:Yeah, we'll see what happens. I mean, you know how politics in the office goes.
Wes:Hold on Now that I'm thinking about it. If that's the case, why didn't he just give you a cost of living? I did, I got that, but why are people coming in, according to you, then?
DeLaw:Because he got rid of the earlier steps. Yeah, you did say that he got rid of the earlier steps. There's nothing I can do with getting rid of the earlier steps. It's like all right, well, I think we don't need this stuff anymore. We'll just increase it more or whatever. Whatever, All right, cool, but what about us that just got work in China and now people coming in? Well, we make it.
Wes:We had to wait a year, just to be like, oh shit we're getting raises.
DeLaw:You know what I mean.
Wes:Yeah, tricky, yeah, like, oh shit, we're getting reasons, like you know what I mean. Like yeah, tricky, yeah, truly, truly tricky. But, um, I've shared lately, I've been um, not even lately, I um, you ever, um. You ever wonder what, uh, like at work or wherever whatever compels you to be a good person or do the right thing. Like you know, the right thing is the right thing, but some of the things that you will probably want to do, like it ain't against God's law, you ever think like yo, why am I doing this? Why am I being Mr Goody Two-Shoes today?
Wes:No, why am I Huh?
DeLaw:You don't need my damn job.
Wes:Yo. But being Mr Goody Two-Shoes don't mean you don't keep your job. It might mean people don't like you, but it don't mean you'll keep your job.
Wes:I hope so we all need our jobs. But I was thinking about that shirt recently because it's like you know, like you got your uh, your internal thoughts when you're dealing with, uh, co-workers and like that, or just like you know you'll be at the grocery store and stuff, and it's just like of co-workers and shit like that, or just like you know you'd be at the grocery store and stuff. And it's just like lately, and it's probably because I needed a couple days off and I did take a couple days off, but it's like lately I've just been like man, petty stuff has just been running through my brain so heavily you want to go and be petty.
Wes:I'm not searching for petty. Here's the thing. Here's the crazy thing. I'm not searching for petty. Here's the thing. Here's the crazy thing. I'm not searching for petty. People aren't being petty to me. I'm just like. I don't feel like knowing this shit. It's so easier, it's easier to be.
Wes:It's easier to be an asshole. It takes a lot of energy to be like no problem. I'll you know, whatever, whatever, whatever, turn up the cheek will be the bigger person. So much energy, so much energy when it's so easy to be like fuck that, I ain't doing that. Oh, fuck you. Who do you think I am?
DeLaw:yeah, we is tight. I mean it is tight, I mean it is tight.
Wes:Yeah, yeah, I, um, but I was just thinking about that shit Like cause, uh, like all this week I've been in situations where like I'm like okay, because 2k came out, right, I'm like all right, all I want to do is get the 2k. And then it's like, oh, mom needs something, one of my homies needs something, this, this and this. And I'm like yo, why? Now I could. Just, I really just want to say not fuck y'all, but just like no, I want to come home. I had a rough day at work. I was hitting one of your joints. I didn't want to decompress, but I was excited to play. 2k came out the first day, the only thing that I could. I was home. I didn't do the pre-order, right, I was home. So I'm like I'm downloading it. This shit, take it forever. I'm like cool, I'm still working. You didn't do the pre-order. Mm-mm. Walking around being busy, being busy, so busy that I ain't have enough time to get on my phone to boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom because so many other important things.
DeLaw:Quote unquote are taking precedence. I've been playing two cases.
Wes:Last Wednesday, Fuck you yeah because it was funny, I was like all right, well, I ain't going to play. I mean, it came out third. I mean it officially came out third. You only got to play it a day early.
DeLaw:It officially came Friday, didn't it, fizzy? Come out Friday.
Wes:Thursday I was planning Thursday.
DeLaw:Oh well, you guys one day longer than everybody else.
Wes:Remember, we was talking and I was just like, well, shit, I'm teleworked that Thursday anyway, so it's kind of like, so I didn't get a chance to try to pre-order, to pre-load it and maybe try to play a couple of play something until like 1 o'clock that day, since I was gonna be home. Yeah, so me being me being uh trying to be the best west that I could be helping people out on, uh, you know, throughout the week and shit like that, didn't get a chance to forgot to download it. Thursday come. I'm like all right, boom, it downloading this shit, I'm waiting for it to do the copy stuff and this, this, you know all that bullshit that it does. Right, I'm like all right, boom, I'm in there. I get a call, I'm at work, I mean, I'm working from home and shit and I'm like, damn, I kind of got to be Superman in this bitch because, boom, I have a new title. I'm kind of responsible for this shit now. So now I got to leave my house.
DeLaw:Just say fuck that title man.
Wes:Nah, I want it to go fucking bad man, not even just because it was 2K, just because it was just kind of like come on, man. So I'm like, alright, I guess this is what an adult is about. So I go handle that shit, I go handle. No, that was Friday. Anyway, I go handle all this shit on Thursday, whatever have you, and Come to find out I have to work on that situation on Friday. So Thursday I'm like alright, bet, well, shit, at least I know I'm doing that. Friday I come home. Some other shit happened.
Wes:2k is like on the screen. I'm on the home screen and shit and still can't play it because things are just happening. People need my assistance and this, this and that. So I'm like fuck, I just want to do this and be like fuck everybody, you gotta pay the cost to be the boss. Snoop Dogg no, that's fine Paying the cost to be the boss. Like yo, I'm going to get money for that.
Wes:But sometimes I guess I came to this conclusion like yo, either I have bad time management or the man above is like yo, I'm trying to show you that the way, way I took it, it was one of us. Like I'm trying to show you that, um, maybe you just need to be spending more time with people that love and care and care about you and stuff like that, instead of getting wrapped up in all your shit. And I'm like, yes, but I don't ever get to get wrapped up in all my shit, so I'm like that can't be it. So I'm just trying to figure out why I keep getting put into situations where it's just like, no, you ain't going to go do that fun shit, you're going to go do this, and then you're going to only have like 2% of your time for the fun shit that you want to do. I'm like yo, I'm either managing my time badly or something is conspiring against me, or maybe I'm saying something, I'm supposed to be learning a lesson and shit.
DeLaw:I don't know.
Wes:You don't know, go that way. You have absolute all the time you need to do what you want to do outside of family and your friends and shit like that.
DeLaw:Yeah, probably the life, of my living, I do everything I need to do unless.
Wes:I say want, I do everything I need to do. I'm talking about want to do. Want is different. I do everything I need to do. I go get gas, I go grocery shopping, I go to work, I go buy. You know what I mean. I do everything I need to do.
DeLaw:The only thing I mean. I pretty much do. But also that came with letting everybody know I need this time, like even if I come home and I'm like you know what I feel like going to the bar, babe, I'm going to the bar, okay, bye. See you Feedback in an hour. Yeah, did you finish dinner? Yep, dinner's already fixed. I'm just going to the bar. See you soon. Did you clean a cat litter? Yep, did that already. I'm going to the bar. Or like playing a video game, I'm like I'm going to go play some video games. Well, you're always on the games. I said I'm only on there for an hour, hour and a half. Tops. You get to sit up in the room and relax and not have to worry about nobody telling you what to do or calling your name.
DeLaw:That's what video games does for me it allows me to just kind of sit there, do nothing and pretend that I'm actually still as athletic as I used to be.
Wes:Yeah, true.
DeLaw:Very, very true. We did talk about 2K, didn't we? Let me go get my alcohol. We talked about 2K boom man, that was my drink.
Wes:Yeah, man, I hear what you're saying. I don't know. I don't know, man, I hear what you're saying. I don't know, I don't know. Man, I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm just a little bit selfish when it comes to like my time and shit and I hate I don't know If I'm going to waste like, if my time is going to be wasted. I'd rather me waste my goddamn time and not nobody else. I'm not saying that people are wasting my time, but I feel like I got a couple of needy people in my life and I'm just like I want to be petty towards them. So bad. And I think the only thing that doesn't compel me to be like petty or be a bad person quote unquote is because I want what I put out. So I don't want, like, if I'm ever in time of need and stuff like that, for somebody to be like you know what this old begging ass motherfucker like always want something Like I don't want that, so I try not to. You know what I mean.
DeLaw:Well, you want the good news or the bad news?
Wes:I want both. What do you mean?
DeLaw:Well, the bad news is, it don't matter whether or not you're sober or not, they still gonna say the same shit yeah, yeah, that's right. The bad news is whether or not you're sober or not, if they gonna help you, they gonna help you. So it don't matter. It don't matter. It don't matter. If we're really talking about it. It don't matter, because people who are selfish still will ask for someone's help at a time of need and then be the same ones to turn around and not give that reciprocated back. It don't really matter.
DeLaw:You got somebody who would help somebody all the damn time, and when they need some help, don'tiggas want to help them. Oh, I ain't got it. I like, come on, it do not matter whether you're self-injured time or not. If someone won't help you, they won't help you, and if they ain't, they ain't. Now you got some people who knew they weren't going to help you, and when you don't help them when they need you, I wouldn't say the reason they didn't help you is because you didn't help them, but they had no intentions of helping you.
Wes:Yeah, I feel you on that one. Let me tell you like, remember, I was telling you like I just got finished saying, um, talk about how I had to leave the house and shit to investigate some shit, and this is like after hours type shit. So I'm there, I'm doing some stuff, mind you, I'm in the can't. Really, I think I'm gonna just bleep it out and I gotta remember where I'm bleeping and all that. I was in the basement of building. Yeah, so I'm in the basement, look up, you know, trying to figure something out, because one of the buildings connected to it went down and shit like that. Okay, and it's after hours, so I don't know when the alarm gonna come on or this, this and that. But I come to find some cleaning people there. I told myself I'm only gonna spend 10 minutes there, right, so you spent an hour there. No, I didn't spend an hour there because I wasn't even. I mean, I was there just being like Superman and shit. So I'm there, I'm in the basement, I'm trying to figure some shit out. I'm like, alright, I see this. I see that Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. My mom calls. I'm like, alright, I'm going to call her back, I'm still doing some shit, this, this, this. And that Two minutes later she called again.
Wes:I I'm like yo, what you want from me? Nah, I was like usually if it's important, she'll use a voicemail. She ain't leave a voicemail. So I'm like, all right, well, maybe she was just calling to see if she can get me again. She calls me again. I'm like, hello, yeah, how do I get the Amazon package out of the locker? I was like man, this is the shit I'm talking about. Don't call. This is like I'm already doing something. And you called me to see how to get the Amazon package out of a locker. I said, yo, mom. I said I normally just get a code, I type it in and then the fucking I didn't say fucking and the door pops out and she was like well, now I got one where it says the Bluetooth and locate.
Wes:I said I don't know how to do that, ma, I did. But I said I don't know how to do that Because I'm not about to walk her through something when I'm already doing something, she just calling to get what she wants right away. I'm just like you power. Called me over an Amazon package that you can get at any time and I'm like I was like yo, mom, can I call you back? And she was like yeah, that's fine and all defeated and shit. And I'm just like that's what I mean, like how my day, how my day went, how my days go sometimes. And I'm like yo, what?
DeLaw:is wrong with people. You know why she was defeated? Because her baby said mom, stop calling me or I start acting ignorant out in this mode.
Wes:She might as well have heard that. But here's the thing she has two other children. We're not even children. She has two. Yeah, she with her children, but we're not young. She has two other adult children. Call one of them, please. Well, you know, it was just like. It was like stuff like that.
Wes:I'm like yo. I had no intentions of helping her, because there is no way that you getting your books or whatever you was getting is more important than me doing this so I can keep my cat, or to look good, you know what I mean. As far as like, uh, working and stuff, I'm just like, come on, maybe she did. Yeah, listen, of course, any mom is gonna think their time is more valuable than anything else. I birthed you. That's how they operate sometimes, especially black moms. I'm going to say all moms, because you know I don't think of the race.
Wes:Most moms feel that way. Like yo, don't disrespect me, you came out of my coochie, I birthed you, so but that's what I mean. Man, I'll be like. I don't be wanting to be petty, but I don't want to be selfish, but it's like in, like in certain situations, I'm like yo, like I don't want to uh, like I want the. I want the good karma, and if the good karma doesn't come to me, let it come to one of my family members or loved ones when, uh, like, if they ever needed it, like, oh, because your son or your cousin or whoever was, you know, help that old lady, somebody going to help you when you're in your time of need, or whatever.
Wes:That's how I think sometimes. But lately I've just been like I don't care about all that. I don't care. People need to leave me alone. And I'm not saying leave me lonely, just like I shouldn't be the first choice, don't want to be the first choice for a while. Hate to tell you, yeah, I know, I know how to go. I know how to go, especially if you're dependable. That's how that works. If you're dependable, you're always going to be dependent, like a real job, right, yeah? Yeah, if you're dependable, you're always gonna be dependable yeah so, yeah, man, I'm just like like thing.
Wes:I'm like that's the only thing that fucking compels me to to be on the straight and narrow. Like I'm minus the the hood rat, shit I like to do, but like I'm just like yo. It's better to be that way. But sometimes you get burnt out. I know that sounds crazy. That's why you need to do that. That's why I said it's so appealing, because sometimes you just need to get that part off. Like you know, you at work, holding your tongue being the best that you can be. Yes, sir, yes, ma'am, let me get the door for you and stuff like that. And you might not even feel like that today, but you know that's what you gotta do at work. You gotta do that for eight hours straight. When it's time to go home, you're throwing on some old pooch iced tea, you fucking undoing the sunroof and shit like that. You wait till you get off the block of your job and you put that shit on 85 with the heavy bass and you good, that's me. That is why there needs to be some type of push, I see. That's why it needs to be some type of balance when it comes to that shit. You need to have full red shit incorporated into your life. That's how I've been feeling lately. Shout out to Pushoh Shiesty, she'll be coming home soon.
Wes:Yeah, I was going through it this week. I couldn't play 2K and I also just wanted to cut the fucking grass. I'm like yo. This fucking grass needs to kick my grass. This grass needs to be cut Because I'm like yo. After a couple days, after a couple you know what I mean the shit is up to your fucking shin.
Wes:And it's just like be out there fucking for two, three hours straight. So I was going through it this week. I was kind of like fuck everybody on the low. Fuck everybody on the low.
DeLaw:That sounds like a. It sounds like you don't have weeks like that Sounds like you're having a rough time, buddy.
Wes:Trying to think of a marriage situation that we both can relate to, because my wife does shit to me all the time, like I show her how to do something or I say this is what you have to do, and she never commits that shit to memory and I'm just the motherfucker that does that particular task around the house. And it gets to the point where I just be like. One time I told my wife I was like so what I show you how to what you're supposed to do in this situation? And I made her step by step as how much she needed to do.
Wes:I'm like I'm not going to keep popcorn. That's what it was earlier today. She was like man, I want some popcorn, but I like the way you make it. And I was like I showed you how to make it. We got like the kernels and shit, not the bag popcorn. I was like I showed you how I seasoned it and flavor it and shit. Like we got all that shit. Something very, very simple and you can only think you can imagine three ingredients, right, the fucking liquid butter, shit, some salt and maybe some other extra seasonings and shit and some MSG. No, but no MSG.
Wes:So it's like stupid shit like that where it's just like yo, just because you want popcorn, I'm not getting off the sofa, the motherfucker reclined back, and shit like that, and you know we're watching Ridiculousness. I'm not getting up because you want popcorn. I showed you how to make it. Go make that shit. And I said if I get up, if I get up, I was like it's not going to be nice for you. It's not going to be nice for you.
DeLaw:It's just so mean to your wife, man.
Wes:Yo, I know for a fact that you felt the same way. You show a wife. You're just not going to say it. My wife ain't here. She went to go take a walk with her sisters. I'm good I can say this shit to the top of my lungs right now. You can't Exactly, I know you don't know what I'm talking about, but what I'm saying to you is that's what I mean. It's just kind of like yo, I'm not doing this again. Popcorn. Same thing with my, my yo, any, any, any, anybody. It could be my nephew. I'm like I showed you how to do this. I can't show you you either gonna burn the out of this popcorn. Who's gonna be nasty? Yeah.
DeLaw:I'll pass you. That's all I can say.
Wes:Something you're saying to me is you know you're getting worked that way and you just decide to get worked.
DeLaw:That's what you're telling me Damn, damn, damn damn.
Wes:You could blink the left eye for no and the right eye for yes.
DeLaw:Sometimes you just got to do things you got to do. Listen, listen, listen.
Wes:There comes a point in time where you do too much and you just don't do it no more. How is they going to learn and I'm not saying just like your wife, anybody how is they going to learn what if you are gone tomorrow? They'll figure it out. So today is the day to figure it out. Message.
Wes:I guess you're right with that one. I know I'm right. I'm saying it with my chest, I'm confident as hell. I know I'm right because you would do the same thing for your children, like you want, like they're like, they're adolescents, getting into their teen age years and they're working and shit. It's like you're going to fuck up your money a couple times as an adult, but at some point you should not be fucking up your money. Exactly, you've been there. I've been there. I know you had to have been there at least once or twice. I've been there like five times where I fucked up. I ain't fucking my money since the age of 24.
DeLaw:At some point you shouldn't be fucking your money. But I get what you're saying. Yeah, what you're saying is that everybody needs to figure out their shit and stop asking us to do random shit. That's what I got.
Wes:You forgot the caveat If you're able and willing, be able and willing to handle your shit. Do not pass it on to somebody just because it's easier for you to do. Yeah, that part too. Yeah, that's the main part. That's the main part I'm talking about At the office, at home, and stuff like that. Okay, I see that. Now I see why that has been my gripe this whole week. It ain't it ain't the other shit, it's the able and willing, and you choose not to do what you're supposed to do as an adult and to pass it on to someone that's more dependable. Not knowing what they have to do, or since they love you and care about you, they stop what they're doing and they putting and putting you first, even though they should be putting themselves first.
Wes:That is the issue I've been having all week outside of the job, shit, but that's the issue I've been having all week. Yeah the job, shit just added on. Yeah, man, I don't want people to think I won't do stuff for my wife or just take time out of my day to make sure she's straight when it comes to little stuff like that. I will. But enough is enough. Sometimes, just like they say oh, I'm not your maid, I'm not your maid either, I'm not your Mr Fix-It. You know what I mean. I am Mr Fix-It, but I ain't Mr Fix-It.
DeLaw:I ain't even getting paid.
Wes:I'm not just dropping everything I can each and every time, just like they shouldn't, hey man.
DeLaw:You know what we are. We are, mr Fix-Its. We're the ones they don't listen to, but want. They want us to come up with solutions and then they still don't follow it.
Wes:You know any solutions. You know any solutions for things I came up with with my wife and it was like nothing. And then come to you to cry and complain about when shit ain't right. See, the pettiness in me could be like well, I told you so, or where this is the reason why this, this and that, but it's just like I just throw my hands up internally mentally in my head, that interface is just kind of like yeah, I get it, you know how much, how much of you know at this point.
Wes:I didn't say what you probably should do. I didn't suggest some other things, and it's not like you did those things and it didn't work. You just didn't say what you probably should do. I didn't suggest some other things, and it's not like you did those things and it didn't work. You just didn't do anything. Anybody can swear one. So yeah.
Wes:Hey, so I was on Reddit, right? I'm always on Reddit now and this lady wants to know if she is the asshole for refusing to communicate with her ex-husband through a language app, since he claims he can no longer speak or understand English. What?
DeLaw:How many of you all of a sudden stopped? Yeah, you got it. Okay, you know what I what I'm asking too many smart questions.
Wes:my bad shouldn't ask anything smart, listen this shit is stupid shit, so she goes. So I've officially given up trying to co-parent with my ex-husband and I need to ask is it really possible for an adult to forget how to speak or understand English after speaking it their entire life? Yeah, because it's true. Or a seizure, hey. Hey, you're saying smart answers. I dare you Some context.
Wes:My ex-husband, who spoke perfect English throughout our entire marriage, just claimed in court that he does not speak or understand English anymore and requested the use of a court interpreter. The judge asked him simple questions like why are you unable to pay child support, I'm sorry, why are you unable to support your children? And my ex just stared at the judge with a blank expression as if he didn't understand the question. Only when the interpreter translated did he respond in Spanish. Mind you, I'm not bilingual. He spoke perfect English to me throughout our entire marriage. Here's some background to how we got here. We are divorced. My ex quit his job of 14 years and moved away from the States to the Dominican Republic to avoid paying child support for our children, who are two and four at the time. Eight years later, after no contact or support, he's back with a new wife and baby in tow, asking the court to clear his outstanding child support balance and stop future child support payments for our two children. His reason his new wife doesn't work and he claims he can't afford to care for her and their new child if he has to continue supporting his first two children.
Wes:I had to fight the urge to laugh in court as he kept his act, pretending not to understand English, and the judge kept asking him questions like am I being punked? How does someone who's been fluent in English their whole life suddenly forget? It seems obvious to me that this is a tactic to get leniency from the court. He must think that speaking a different language somehow exempts him from fathering his children. It took everything in me not to ask how his lawyer managed to keep a straight face through it all in me not to ask how his lawyer managed to keep a straight face through it all.
Wes:The crazy part is he's probably spent more on lawyers to come up there with these ridiculous excuses than what he really owes in child support, than what he really actually owes in child support. I even told the court that they should just stop trying to get that. They should just stop trying to get that. They should just stop trying to get payments, but the judge said that the only, that only the kids can decline support when they're of age. I'm never doing that. If that was the case, the judge also added a clause to the order going forward if he misses two payments or warrant for his arrest will be issued. At this point, he's only made it worse for himself. Now I'm left wondering how our kids are supposed to communicate with him, since they don't even speak Spanish. Jesus, take the wheel.
DeLaw:I might as well for thinking he's faking it and want no part in this circus as long as he keeps up this straight so is it unheard of someone not being able to speak their native language anymore, or a language that they spoke, if they go back to their home country and only get engulfed in that? It's not unheard of, is it highly possible? Probably?
Wes:They speak English in the DR as well. He was probably speaking English over there too.
DeLaw:He was probably speaking it over there too. Yeah, he probably was. I'm not saying that he wasn't, he probably was, but there's some foolish shit man, I ain't gonna lie.
Wes:When I read this shit I was just like he probably was. But there's some foolish shit man, I ain't gonna lie. When I read this shit I was just like Now I've been in court like jury duty. Some guy was like you know how you get picked this shit? And I was like I can't, I can't be one, I can't be a juror because I got something wrong with my brain. And then the judge asked me a question. He waited 30 seconds and said huh, what you saying?
DeLaw:And I'm just like oh my gosh, you got to like the creativity, you got to like it.
Wes:You got to like the creativity. Yeah, I ain't going't gonna lie, the creativity is, uh, that is something we're just like. Yo, you was married to this lady. If the judge said yo, has this man been speaking english to you in your entire marriage? Who you think? He won't believe. He or she won't believe.
DeLaw:Ah, yeah, look, I'm just saying, I'm just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Wes:No, I ain't giving him shit. I ain't giving him shit. Take care of your kids. I mean, even if you, let's just say it's true.
DeLaw:What's wrong with you taking care of your kids? Now, all I'm saying is, it's not that he can't speak it, I just think he just he don't want to pay child support, which I think you're right about. You want to say he right for that, but I ain't going to say he wrong for it if he make a substantial amount of money for paying child support.
Wes:Yo, you were met. So here's the thing I'm all for. I'm definitely going to be for men taking care of their children. Yeah, I also understand that the system is not fair and I and it sucks for those men. However, this isn't like oh, I messed up. Y'all was married.
DeLaw:Right, Y'all was married right.
Wes:Yeah, that's different. You ain't even got to pay child support for real, you just got to take care of your kids.
DeLaw:You dipping is what caused her to do the the child support situation, yeah I mean, in the grand scheme of it, that's exactly what it was, it wasn't? It had nothing to do with. Oh uh, he tried, she tried to get me on it, you trying to duck it, so you know I like.
Wes:pretending not to speak english is a is a weird situation, yep.
DeLaw:It's one of the weirder things I've heard before.
Wes:Oh no, I read it full of it, man. I read it, it's full of you. Know, there was another one. I was going to read it after this one but I was like nah, but yeah, man, man, she ain't that asshole. Like I'm surprised, like, come on now. I just don't understand, like she said, I don't understand how he thinks. Like yo, I don't speak English. If that's the case, I'm about to go tell a couple of my homeboys like yo, come beat Disney guy no, why you go there?
Wes:Nah, something happened. You can only speak whatever, whatever and this, this and that, but you gotta be bilingual in order for that shit to happen. I don't know, man. That's a yeah, and that's what I mean by like putting good karma out there. Nothing's gonna come, nothing's gonna be right. I can't even say that because some of these dead beats out here living their best life men and women, so I can't even really say that shit, yeah, but I say men and women it's a multitude of dead beaters, whoa. Michael Paul's moment right there.
DeLaw:Quite a few of them. I'm not going to say that there isn't, but yes, there's quite a few.
Wes:Yeah, that one takes the cake. I don't speak English, so it's just stupid that one takes the cake. I don't speak English, so it's just stupid leniency. You think the courts will give you leniency like oh, he didn't know what he was doing when he stuck his penis in her vagina. He don't speak English. Oh, he was very sore. He didn't know what he was doing because he didn't speak English. Oh, nah, I don't know what he was doing because he didn't speak English. Nah.
DeLaw:I don't know, man, maybe that's what he really thought. No, no, he might have really thought that.
Wes:I don't know. He had a job for 14 years in the States. Remember that, yeah, there's no way. There's no way you don't become a customer For 14 years in the States. Remember that, yeah, there's no way. There's no way you don't become accustomed For 14 years. You don't become accustomed to the, to the, to our, not to our but to the society that you're living in, and you should know what marriage looks like. You should know what potential child support looks like. It's been 14 years.
DeLaw:Right, hey look. I don't think he really cared at that point. He just all of a sudden said I don't speak English, no more, you can't give him child support, because I can't say I understand.
Wes:But he got an interpreter, so it doesn't even matter at this point. You will understand now that you have to pay child support. The interpreter is here, you did have to.
DeLaw:That's true, man man, man.
Wes:Part of me is like yo, is this lady black? Because I don't think a black woman going for this.
DeLaw:She sounds white? Does she seem malarkey or snarky?
Wes:Nah, let me, uh, let me see if I can find her screen name, because that'll tell me. Uh, I don't know what the fuck that means. Yeah, she's. This shit might even be fake.
Wes:Might be, I don't know man, she, uh, I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell you, I couldn't tell you. But, um, shout out to Earl if she get that shit together, but not shout out to him, cause sounds like a piece of shit. Yeah, I mind the ass over for refusing to wear a skimpy made outfit to an exclusive party. My friend hold up. My friend got invited to. Yo don't go to the party. Don't go to the party and not dress accordingly, like if I was doing a lingerie party and shorties come in there without lingerie. You got a robe Right. You know what type of party this is. You ever been to one of those before you hung your jersey up?
DeLaw:No no.
Wes:More than one person.
DeLaw:More than one person. More than one person. No, now I've been to pajama parties, but all you'd be wanting to see is.
Wes:But even with the pajama parties, like maybe wearing lingerie to them, shits too. So, man, I went to one of them one time and girl had a onesie with the butt flap, but she had to flap down and it was just like a g-string. She was walking around like that. Yeah, I was telling my wife. Man, my wife was talking, uh, I was um studying, so I was just like um, so I was studying. And I was telling her that, uh, this was during that time I was having a real rough shit at work and shit like that week, this week was just rough and shit. I was like I'm at work, I think I'm going to play some house music to like get me going and shit, I'm at my desk and shit like that, closing the office door, not with like without headphones and shit, but just kind of get the you know and do some some admin type shit work or whatever I get up for. And then I had to get up, so I was telling her about this.
Wes:This guy he produces music is a comedian blah, blah, blah, blah, blah Black guy, zach Fox. I was like he's DJ in this set. So I played a set and it was all house music and I was like this is a good set that he did. I was like my sister got me into house music a long time ago but she liked Baltimore house music. I don't like Baltimore house music. I like the soulful lo-fi house music or whatever and a little bit of New Jersey shit and I used to like the Miami Bay shit, but that's not really house music so now you gotta get on that, go-go man.
DeLaw:Yeah man, come on now DC that's not house music hey look, that's music I play in the house but uh, what was the story?
Wes:I was trying to say, oh, oh yeah. So I was just like yo. I was like I asked her has she ever been to like a little house party with like house music playing? She was like, nah, I don't think so. I was like man my early 20s. I was like yo. If the DJ was doing his thing, it'd be times where I was just holding up the wall and girls were just coming Like with was just coming Like with me, two beers in my hand and they just doing their thing and I'm just like this is the best shit ever, like sweating like a motherfucker. I was like the right DJ with the right music, the right songs and rotation and stuff like that. With house music you would definitely be sweating from 8 o'clock to 1 o'clock, whatever time you get there. So I was just telling her stories and shit like yo, since my fucking bathroom, this, this, and that I was like whole time just holding up the wall, big booty train is just coming over, like we talking like that, and shit, don't let Back that Ass come on.
Wes:No house music, that's not coming on.
DeLaw:Hey, look Back, that Ass is in the house music.
Wes:Yo, that's twerk fest music. You're a twerk fest music, so you were at a twerk fest. Right, you might have already been married when I think. I don't even think they do twerk fest anymore. So long story short. Not even long story short, maybe like 2018. I think 2017 was the first one. I was already like married and shit, I was with my ex, but I wasn't married.
DeLaw:Yeah, yeah.
Wes:So, long story short, it's just like a little music situation, not concert, but like what do you call it? Festival? Quote, unquote, and it's just nothing but music to do that to, and it's just girls doing that. And if you're lucky to be one of those guys that they think you look good yo, you get to do some. You know, yeah, yeah, yeah so, but yeah, we was talking about that shit. I was just like man lingerie parties, little house parties and shit where the drugs was flowing but you didn't know who on them yet. Wow, and so they started dancing and sweating and like that bitch on the beam, I'm not fucking with her, that drug shit. Get crazy. When you like try and date a girl, I mean, you know, try and get with a girl, talk to her and shit like that you like, well, fuck her head up. Because if she, you know, heavily intoxicated, it's like, nah, I ain't fucking with that.
DeLaw:Yeah, see, I wasn't a real big party goer.
Wes:Neither was I, but kickback. So it was just like yo, like the homie, like one of the big homies. The homie was like yo, mom, out of town, we got the house this, this and that we're going to call up about a couple girls, see if we can bring like three through, whatever, whatever, that type of thing. Now, party party, I don't party party, as Diddy would have said to you know, Fabulous, in that one party party I've never party, party.
DeLaw:You ain't been to the take that, take that.
Wes:No, I ain't been to that. No, not at all, not at all. But I do know a couple of homies that's been to shit like that, like orgies and little situations like that, and I'm just like hey, I just couldn't, I just couldn't. So, no, I ain't been to those types. But little joints at the house where I know like maybe 50% of the people or 40% of the people have been in little shit like that, those are always my favorites, cause it's kind of like you and your element as long as ain't nobody fucking up about scaring the hoes you know what I mean and just doing extra, that's a guaranteed good night. Right, it's a guaranteed good night. Right, it's a guarantee. And let it be fried chicken there.
Wes:I know that sounds kind of crazy, but yo, when you partying and got that liquor going, it's nothing. Fried chicken, perfectly Popeye's. When all that shit is in the mix, it's some alcohol. Yo, that is what I miss. I don't do that often because everybody got kids and they doing things and professionals and shit and you know making money and shit. So ain't nobody doing shit like that, no more. But I do miss that shit. I do miss that shit, but uh.
DeLaw:I don't really do a lot of parties. Also, I don't do a lot of clubbing either that's why I did the house party shit. I barely like doing that. I didn't do a lot of clubbing either. Neither did I. That's why I did the house party shit. I really like doing that. I didn't do clubs the clubs you got to pay to cover.
Wes:None of that shit mattered to me. It was like when you got in, how everybody was just so. So, in my opinion, I feel like most of us kind of just go to the wrong clubs. Like we, when we go, like when we were younger, we go to a club, it was hip-hop and r&b and shit like that. Like yo, they gonna play what's popular this, this and that, blah, blah, blah but there is no constant uh energy, there's no constant rhythm, there's no whatever, whatever.
Wes:You just waiting for songs or whatever. Have you waiting, woman? I'm waiting for guys to buy them drinks, this, this and that, right, but I wish at one point in time I could have partaked and like going to one of those clubs was just like house music or maybe a little bit of some I think down that time was dubstep, but like a little bit of edm or that trap, edm, shit and that type of energy. Yeah, you've never heard that. This is remember. Like when little john stopped doing what he was doing. He was doing that for a reason. I mean not for a reason, he was doing that for a while. It was just like trap music, but it was just like the harp hitting uh, 808s and shit like that, but just in a steady rhythm like one maybe 140 bpm or some shit like that right, okay, and the east side boys actually split up, I know he was doing a whole lot of stuff with like flm, mmo
Wes:that, yes, right. So what I'm saying is he went that route and then he, you know, started going festivals and shit like that. That's what I mean. That type of energy like if you ever in a situation where the energy is just non-stop, you're going to have a good time. You don't have to literally be on alcohol, it's the, I mean, or any drug, is the energy? So what I'm saying is, if I could go back in time, I'll probably visit those clubs. Now see why my homies two of my homies would like to go to Baltimore to go to those clubs before they come up here and I was like I'm not going to Baltimore, but they would go there, and it was just one of those things. It was like yo, we're going to make it out one way or another. That's literally how they, you're going to party in Baltimore.
DeLaw:I ain't going. You're going to party in Baltimore because that's what they like to do.
Wes:Right, but the way they was going, they was going off some. We're going to make it out one way or another. So they was going and that's all I'm going to say. But you can already catch my drift. I'm like, I'm not getting caught, like that. I'm like and these were, we was all. These are college students. It was like yo who carrying this time. I'm just like nope, don't even put me in that situation. Thank the man above that. Nobody got caught up, but that's the type of time it was on. It's like yo, we gonna do this, we gonna get some. Hey, I am reminiscing about the whole time, but listen, house music. I love it. Shout out to my sister. I'm about to say her name. Shout out to her.
DeLaw:I guess. I guess I love it. Shout out to my sister I'm about to say her name, shout out to her yeah, I guess, yes, I guess. Yeah, I guess. I'm telling you I'm pretty sure, mrs.
Wes:Smith can do some house music.
DeLaw:See, mike, I don't know She'll do if she's been feeling it as long as the music hitting right.
Wes:I'm going to tell you like this Nice little, like something, that if you already buzzed or you're already sipping and that shit going and that music going, you're going to have a good time. You can just sit there and sip and just be.
Wes:I'll send you, I'll send you a link to a mix that you know you send her sushi if you want, but I'm going to send that same shit to my sister because I know a link to a mix. Then you know, you send her a sushi, sir, If you want, but I'm going to send that same shit to my sister because I know she likes it.
DeLaw:Yeah, shit, or if you send it to me, or do you have a title?
Wes:No, it's a YouTube. It was on YouTube. I don't know that it's a channel I'll send you the channel where they do it like every Sunday. I think it's called Soulful.
DeLaw:Let me just look at that real quick if you had a title and you shared your title station or whatever, then I could have just went about it that way. We use a lot of title what are you saying? I'm not understanding what you're saying well, in title you can share your stations like things.
Wes:Oh, title, title, title. No, this isn't on time. It might be on title, but the stage, the youtube channel, because they do, uh, they do video right, but the, the music is, uh, pumped out the regular way, like so we can enjoy it. You kind of I'm saying so, it's not, you're not hearing crazy audio, you're hearing good audio. It's called a, yeah, it's called black house radio. That's the name of the channel. But I will copy. Doesn't like now, but that particular set was the one I was listening to.
Wes:Yes, the other day, when I was studying, and I was like, oh shit, okay, this shit is nice, this shit is nice, let me see, but I'm going to send it to my sister too. Okay, I copied it there, send it to my sister, I'm going to send that shit to you. But, yeah, man, I was done. That's the vibe man. You want to clean it up in the morning, saturday morning, and shit, yeah, oh shit, I ain't taking nothing off for dinner, my bad Time for carry-on. Yo, I ain't talking about wife.
Wes:I had a car the other day. My shit was $29.70. It was something like that. Because I sent it to my homie. I was like, yo, this is why I did not want to fucking eat Carver. My shit was $29.19. So, yeah, come on now. $60 is just like that's a tank of gas right now. It's just like that's a tank of gas right now. It's like, ah, and I'm not eating McDonald's, so it's just like that shit out the window. So I don't feel like cooking nothing but dog, I had a fucking I had a salmon sandwich with some mayo, olive oil mayo with some what's that shit called Some mumbo sauce to mix that shit in, man God, and I toasted the fucking bread. Man, oh, my goodness, that was some true fat boy shit. The only thing I was missing was some french fries.
DeLaw:Man. So, oh, I do got a question for you, what's?
DeLaw:All right, what's up? All right. So how do I put this way? Ah, so you know the same. You know the same thing comes up all the time when you're in the bar, right?
Wes:so wow, woman ain't sucking like they used to yeah, pretty much, pretty much.
DeLaw:But no, she. So they were talking. So, too, pretty much, pretty much. So they were talking. Mind you, knowing the bartender she's a little older, she's loud, she's a firm believer in women are better cheaters. Right, I've already told her the only reason that you guys are better cheaters is because of us. It's because we know how to play our role. We know how to keep our mouth closed and not get all clingy and be like well, look, you're going to pay half this rent, bitch, we ain't that. No, of course you guys have no sort of oh well, I'm going to fuck about Happy Home. I don't give a fuck because I want mine and I'm short on shit and you fucking me, it's one of those things like I'm fucking you so you owe me low. No, no, no, that's not how it works. Just like you say, if I take you out to dinner, it doesn't mean I'm going to hit Bitch. If I fuck you, it doesn't mean I'm going to give you money, usually with that logic.
Wes:sometimes I was just, I was a car driver and one day I was just thinking I'm like, damn, they act like they not getting good dick. Sometimes I'm just like yo, like what happened to? Like man, and that's the exchange. I don't have to give you meat, but they making it seem like they doing us a benefit of giving us that it's like no, but I gave you meat too. I got to give you meat and money.
DeLaw:Right, so I was telling, so they was over there talking and I'm like, in my job, no, we've already answered this question, but now the young folk were getting involved in it and so I'm like all right, this is getting a little out of hand, because, and so I'm like, all right, this is getting a little out of hand because not that the young folk ain't going to go through it, but should the older folk older folk being someone older than them, and they still are 16, 17, 18 years old should we be influencing the cheating culture?
Wes:What do you mean influencing? I will only influence it if I'm a cheater, like I said. Should you mean influencing, I will only influence it if I'm a cheater.
DeLaw:Like I said, should we be influencing? Yeah, clear that up please.
Wes:Both of us. What do you mean?
DeLaw:So, even though the chick was like, well, I don't cheat anymore, I'm like, okay, but should we be telling the young folk it's okay to cheat on the person Because you know? That's in essence I think that's a lot of times what we tell the young folk. It's okay to, and the way I always tell it like the young folk, it's okay to date around, as long as everybody knows you're dating around and you aren't being, you're not being serious with anybody dating around and you aren't being, you're not being serious with anybody. So if you fuck, you fuck. If we do whatever, we do whatever, but that does not mean we are together.
DeLaw:So chick was telling her was like, yeah, you know, I cheat on my boyfriend all the time and you know blah, blah. And she gave her a really awkward reason of why. Like, oh well, you know, he just didn't have time for me. Like pretty much gave her a really awkward reason of why. Like, oh well, you know, he just didn't have time for me. Like pretty much gave her a reason why she would. But in essence, I'm like if you're in a full committed relationship and you just complained about your husband, your ex-husband, cheating on you, then why do it anyway, but that's neither here nor there.
Wes:All right, then why do it anyway? But that's neither here nor there all right. So my whole thing is um, like with anything, when you, when you, I'd even given advice, because I try not to give advice. I try to like to give points of view, points of views, because my advice is going to be, according to me, right. It always is. So I mean, I leave shit open ended, like you just said.
Wes:Like I would say yo, you'll never want to tell somebody to do something that you know is going to be kind of destructive, or it can be either way. And sometimes you say, yo, you could say you can go this way, you can go this way. This is what's going to happen if you do this. This is probably what's going to happen if you do that. This is another way that you can go. I would never say, yo, it's okay to cheat. Never say that.
Wes:I would say, like you said in one instance, like yo, it's okay to date around, but when you're committed, you're committed. If you tell that person you're committed, you're committed. So once you say you're committed, that's why it hurts when other people you know step out and shit, because they are under the assumption that you guys are committed, I am only yours this, this and that you're taking away that choice. You'll never want to take away someone's choice to to do whatever, and that's why you're always so true. So if it was a young lady or a young man, I'm like yo just be honest with yourself and be honest with them. Once you're honest and you feel like it's going that way, you know it's up to you to say something Simple as that Now, does that work? I mean not work.
Wes:Does that happen? No, but it does work, because I've been in situations where it's like I had a girl that knew about another girl. It just was that because we were casual and shit it works.
DeLaw:It does not work with everyone, but it works it doesn't work with everyone and I don't expect it to work with everybody, but at the end of the day, if you in in my head and I'm in firm belief the only reason that people who cheat get away with it is because whoever they're messing with is uh, they're open with them about it.
Wes:No, it's not cheating if you're getting away with it. Cheating is if the person is under the assumption that y'all are the only two that's going to be intimate or emotional together.
DeLaw:Even though he told one, he didn't tell who he was actually or who they were actually intimate with but is it a serious relationship? Hey look, I say like this with women everything's a serious relationship, even their cheating relationships are serious.
Wes:No, I know I get that that. We both know that there's no way around that. But what I'm saying to you is, sometimes people have revisionist history where it's just like I never said we were together, but you fucking me like we're together. Yes, that's what I like to get you run into those situations where it's just like yo, but nah, we're not together. Though Now it's different if a guy's straight doing that womanize and shit, like oh, we together this, this and that, and you, you're saying the things and acting like that. I don't, we ain't. It takes. I mean, it's still up to the other person to be like what are we like? Yeah, men don't like those that question, but it's like that conversation, but it's like that conversation, but it's not like it's doing anything, yeah, yeah. So now I would never say yo, that I wouldn't even influence the. You mean condone, that's what you're trying to say, because we condone. I don't condone the. Uh, personally, I don't have. I benefited from it.
DeLaw:Yes, but I don't condone it I think a lot of times with, especially with, with the older generation they they kind of say it's, they kind of almost say it's okay to do it, that's not it and and like I've heard married people be like oh well, you know, I you know I've been with my wife since I was 16. I got a little side, james, and it's almost like it's okay to do it if you don't get caught. You've been together longer, they ain't gonna leave. But you.
Wes:That's not true either. Here's the thing. It's understandable that it can happen. It's not okay. It's normal that it happens. It's not okay.
Wes:I'll be telling one of my homies he got his whole team. Yo, this dude got a whole team. He getting food from everybody, he getting stuff paid for, not that he womanizing, but it's just more of like he's in a relationship with all of them and he and he ain't I'm sorry he's not in a relationship with all of them. He is entertaining all of them and they don't all know about each other, but they know that there's another person Right, because it's casual at this point, like he and his. You know they close to 40. It's all casual, everybody doing what they gotta do to be safe, and that's how you gotta handle that shit.
Wes:But I say that to say it's gonna get to a point where he it gets to a point with him where he don't even like dealing with either one of them. And that's what I'm saying Like, and that's what I'm saying Like no man. I mean yes, but to be If a man could have it his way, he's not going to want to be in a relationship, relationship with two women, not alone more than two women. So it's kind of one of those things where it gets to physical. That means that they actually like liking them and digging them and shit like that, because if it wasn't, you'll just be in the friend zone and you'll be hearing all the emotional shit which no guy wants to be in, nope.
Wes:So it's kind of like when shorty when you said shorty was like, uh, you know, she used to cheat or whatever I was, she cheated because ain't't had time. You ain't like that motherfucker to begin with. Right, because most men that's doing what they supposed to do, don't got time. A hundred percent of their time for your ass. That's just what it is. If you truly like them, or if you felt like you liked them or loved them, I don't think you would have cheated right away. You know what I mean. I don't know, I won't I to say right away, but you get what I mean. Yeah, you would have been emotionally with someone and doing all this other stuff this, this and that and it maybe led to another thing and your emotions tricked your pussy and it was like you know what, let them have some. I could see that happening, getting charmed out of your panties. I mean, you've done it.
Wes:I've done it, so that shit does happen, but you gotta, you know, as a person, you gotta allow for that to happen.
DeLaw:I've done it many times. I'm not gonna lie.
Wes:Me too.
DeLaw:But I remember when I told her she was like well, you know, like it was a weird thing, like was it was a weird. It was a weird thing Like because, like when she, when she said it, I was like wait a minute. I feel like we just had this conversation of cheating and I'm like you, just you. I remember when you said oh yeah, you know, I don't like cheaters. And I'm like you don't like cheaters. And I'm like you don't like cheaters.
Wes:She don't like being cheated on which it's different, like not as different, but I'm like you don't like cheaters or you don't like being cheated on.
DeLaw:You got the icon people. You know what I'm saying. All these people are saying that they like my game.
Wes:How's it?
DeLaw:go my game. I only had six points and five assists, but they said they like my game.
Wes:Listen, people get cheated on every day. D People get cheated on every day. It's not the fact that, with trips, most probably tripping her up, it's like this. It's a double standard. We all know this and it's just because the way both parties operate. Cheating to us from them is like yo, you giving this man your time, you spending time with him, shit like that. You already started cheating, you just ain't suck his dick yet. Right. Well for us. And women, they think cheating you already started cheating, you just ain't suck his dick yet. Right. Well, for us and women, they think cheating is like yo, you got your dick sucked and it's like no, that was a dick suck, I don't give a fuck about that person, right? So yeah, we're not going to get past that part. The only way we resolve that is more or less like we understand it as a double standard, and these are the rules for you and these are the rules for me.
Wes:Now, that's how I believe. That's how marriages kind of lasted whatever, whatever, whatever. Because you know what they say a man won't be a man, or whatever. Oh, that was just some, that was just some. Whatever, whatever, that was random. Your man won't be a man, or whatever. Oh, that was just whatever. That was random. Your wife won't be mad at you because she ain't going nowhere, because you're already taking care of her own Right. And if it is a one-off thing, how would your wife ever fucking know, unless you just fucked up? Unless you just fucked up, yeah, yeah, would you imagine being married, your wife give you all the dumb shit and then she's being pleasant with somebody else? That's yo. I would destroy everything in this fucking house. Man, I'm laughing. I'm laughing about it, but that shit is painful you gotta do it just because yeah.
Wes:On that note. Don't do it just because. But no, no, no. Don't do it just because Dude is wrong, skipping out on his wife and shit On his responsibilities. He already divorced, skipping out on his responsibilities and shit. Women cheating and men cheating act the same, and 2K is looking promising. We'll see you in a month.
DeLaw:We'll see you in a month when they decide to change the game.
Wes:Which they will, because the season won't be over. Thank everybody for tuning in. See you next time.